Cassandra smiled, Lilly was, she thought, just absolutely cute. She didn't seen to judge the world around her as good or bad, and Cassandra was glad to call her friend. She waited as Lilly gathered her things, and then lead the way to her and Lorenzo's room, opening it and letting Lilly in. She looked over to her brothers bed "mmm he won't mind, I'm sure" she said, settling down on her own bed, Cassandra did have her own fears about being able I protect Lilly. Sure, she could get rid of the demon, but...what would happen after? Would she turn on her friend? Could she fight with another weapon? In that moment she seriously considered adopting the dragoon miester as well as Knight and Doctor. Her sword be her last resort, but right now it was always her first line of attack. She decided she would have to ask Oliva. For now, she have Lilly a smile, "I've never had a sleep over" she said truthfully