A full day near wasted: Wasted time, wasted effort, wasted ammo, and worst of all another wasted life. All of this waste just for the sake of looting an already stripped town. The redhead sighed, what was his name again? David, no Damien? Had she already forgotten his name or had she never learned it? The redhead forged ahead, her face screwed up in consternation, trying to remember the man’s, actually little more than a boy’s face, or even the sound of his voice, anything to relieve the gnawing guilt of having forgotten. “It sucks.” A voice came from her immediate right, shocking the woman out of her reverie, “Poor Daniel, hell poor Julie, she’s going to miss him, I guess we all are.” The man said looking over at Alex for confirmation. The woman swallowed hard and nodded, “Yeah, he was a good guy.” [i]Like you would know, you forgot his name.[/i] She shook her head staring straight ahead. The man nodded, “That he was.” And that was all the grieving required for Daniel as the man’s face reset into a ‘just business’ expression, “Hey, mind running this to the clinic. I know you have a couple of things you found for Karen as well.” The man, what was his name, said handing her a cardboard package of Benadryl, fully half the pills already gone and the rest questionable as to whether they were still good. The redhead gave a curt nod and took the medicine, breaking off from the group to deliver what little she had found. A bottle of Tylenol, more a luxury than of any real medical use, but she knew it could probably still save someone some pain. On the other hand, she could keep it, it’d be good to just be able to pop one and boom, instant headache relief, it was funny the luxuries you truly missed but never would have thought of before all this. The Benadryl would ensure dreamless sleep, for a short while anyway or for those particularly bad nights. A small voice began digging at her mind, [i]What about the epinephrine, the inhaler, surely someone around here has asthma, allergies…?[/i] The voice cut off as though a door had been slammed in the speaker’s face. That was Cody’s medicine, she needed it for him. [i]Cody is…[/i] The door slammed again. She found herself standing in front of the medical building, not remembering the journey at all, hand outstretched as though to knock on the door. After a moment’s hesitation her hand rapped sharply once against the door and walked in, stepping aside to let Edward, [i]Earl[/i] the voice called admonishingly, pass by. She cast a sideways glance at the others in the room, nodding a greeting to them all before placing the Tylenol, Benadryl, and half used containers of aloe vera and cough syrup each on the table, “Sorry that’s all the medical supplies we found before we had to get out. Walkers have moved in on that town again.” She said awkwardly, eyes casting down suddenly, almost as if she were ashamed of something, “I’m not even sure if any of it is in date or useful in any way, but it’s yours.” She said, already taking a step backwards to leave again. They were probably discussing their plans for leaving, she really should stick around figure out what the plan was if she were going, but right now she just felt sick to her stomach, she always felt nauseated, she supposed the others did as well, hunger and feeling sick were just a part of what it meant to be alive and not one of them now.