I know I made a mistake. Don't think I'm not aware of that. As for specifications: Geokinetic Manipulation is available, at about a third of the power of his Focus Shift. Which essentially means that he becomes three times as powerful when Shifting. A bit more when going into Rage. As I said, I know I fucked up, but I also hope that it doesn't break too much and that I'm able to fix it. I was certain that I had at least insinuated it in the OP, but upon re-reading I realised that I hadn't. I should have, I know. Apologies for that <.< It is edited in, so it's there. Eitherway, I always had it in the back of my mind, otherwise Liza wouldn't have been approved, nor would Gregory. It won't really change a lot, the only difference being that you actually know now.