Gordon recognised YingJue when she commended him on his earlier battle using a joke of a Mobile Suit. "Ramses! Dunkel! This is that girl I was talking about yesterday!" He introduced her. "She's the one that took the chance and defeated Luang! I'll tell you that she might not look like it but she has the instincts of a fighter! A fight should rely on his instincts and use every opportunity!" He took a sip of his melon soda after finishing his speech that would go better with a chianti. The loud pep talk reached far, that some people are visibly annoyed. Sanada was about to order but the gloat interrupted him. "Can't they respect the rules here?" He thought to himself. "I was saying that I will have a negi miso ramen with six pieces of gyoza dumplings." He finished his order. *** The German champion wrote her signature on the cosplayer's pad. As she was finished she looked around, having a glance of someone that looked like Canard Pars pass by. Minutes later the cosplayer returned and much to her amusement, the cosplayer did look a bit like Kyoji Kasshu (hell she's been finding a lot of lookalikes nowadays). She however noted that he did look slightly dizzy from something and holding a bottle. She didn't expect him to be a drinker like Sumeragi. "So we're ready to go?" She asked.