"It could be bad for your health, I guess, but... So is fighting! And that's never stopped you before," Takeshi said, smirking as he glanced over at T'charrl coyly. "Chasing down the General was bad for your health but you did that. Just saying, that shouldn't stop you. Especially when its so easy to get you healed, you know?" He had been the one to suggest staying back, but seeing the Kaesstrian a bit dejected he was quick to change his stance. Frowning when the conversation took a turn for the depressing the Saiyan looked down at the sand beneath his feet, absentmindedly adjusting Shu on his back. "You haven't let her, or us down. You've been really helpful so far to us, and you'll be a great leader when you get back. So..." he added, looking back up with a grin, "Don't be so hard on yourself. If your mother could see what you were doing now she'd be proud, I bet. How can she be let down when you've gone to so many planets and gotten way stronger than before? Heck, by now I bet no one on Kaesstra can match your strength! And once you change back to your old self you'll start leading as the strongest of your kind!" They shouldn't dwell on this topic too much, no reason to get themselves upset. Takeshi couldn't just leave it alone though, feeling as though he wasn't near as supportive of their friend as he ought to be. With all the effort he put in to keeping Shu happy the least he could do was keep T'charrl relatively happy. Besides, there were more important things to discuss, chiefly how they were going to apprehend these men, or women, he wouldn't discriminate, that they were after. "Yeah... Kinda figured barging in wasn't really a good idea. It's more my style but... It's anything but discreet." They should plan this out, even if their opponent wasn't exactly someone they were worried about fighting. And for once Takeshi actually had a fairly decent plan, sharing it with T'charrl in hopes of getting some feedback on it. "It could work, and the only uniform Saiyans really had were their armor, and we've got that on the ship still," he pointed out. "If they recognize us... Well then we go with plan B, smash our way in and take the guys by force, if we have to. I mean really, I don't think they can stop us. We're probably putting way more thought into all of this than we need to." Realistically Takeshi very much doubted they would be stopped if they went right in, it was more trying to avoid conflict altogether that they'd try discretion.