[i]After nearly a week’s journey on foot, you finally reach the end of the thick woods that connect the country of Eoduun and Bellefleur. It is almost deafening, the silence that consumes woods, and you find yourself grateful to hear the quiet hum of bees in the prim rose bushes that dot the beginning of the countryside. There are a few weeping willows here and there, mostly on the edges of the clear blue river that trickles down the mountains on the other side of Bellefluer, cutting through Bellefluer’s vast green countryside, and winding its way through the forest until you reach Eoduun. Those mountains gave way to many stories, some from childhood, and some you would hear in taverns where many a man was eager to tell his own journey’s tale. All of them always had one thing in common about the mountains, other than the river, that is. They all told of a great black dragon, with eyes the color of rubies, and many smaller black dragons that supposedly inhibited the caves up in the rocky terrain. While the river does make its way through Eoduun as well, it is obvious to you that the water here is much cleaner. You stretch, and continue your journey into this seemingly fertile country, searching for the heart of it, which is rumored to be a great ball of mist. Most of your morning is spent admiring the various flowers, fruit trees, vineyards and small towns that you pass through as you make your way on. Finally you can just make out the rumored mists, as you get through Clementine, the last town you have marked on your map. Lush, green, rolling hills surrounded the large misted area in Bellefleur. During late morning, when the sun was almost at its noon position, the mists that covered the misted area would almost seem as if they had been sliced through, like a warm loaf of bread. In those clear, sliced through sections of the mists, you could catch a glimpse of a stoned castle, which seemed to be larger than the enormous mountains that stood way on the backline of the hills of Bellefleur. Parts of the tower seemed to stretch way up, the towers sometimes piercing through the clouds above that dotted the vast amount of clear blue sky. Other parts were ominously tall, and seemed it would take many wars to even begin to break at the huge silver-stoned walls. In seasons such as the current Spring, you could sometimes see the vine that climbed the towers and walls, except it was not its usual deep mossy green, for it was covered in butter-cream yellow and serene lavender flowers, all the way up until you lost sight of where it led into the sky. Then at noon, the castle would filly into sight, as the mists dissipated, as if they never were. You’d have to shake your head, to remind yourself that they were indeed there just moments prior, and this monstrously large yet astoundingly beautiful structure was just cloaked within it. You could see the large stained glass windows, with images in the same butter-cream yellows and soft lavenders, of the beautiful flowers that clung to the castle itself. There was no gate, no stone wall, but there was a wide moat that surrounded the castle, its waters a mirrored clear blue of the sky above. One couldn’t tell if there was a back entrance, but right in front of you, was a large draw bridge, coming down slowly, as if those inside the castle knew you were coming. As you cross the large, deep mahogany colored wooden drawbridge, you can start to smell the sweet, sensual scent of the flowers. It is intoxicating, leaving you to feel almost as if you had been drinking the sweetest wine, and you have no will power to turn around, only the want for more of what is in front of you. A dozen or so men on either side are atop of beautiful Arabian horses, all of them black as the cloak that Death himself would wear. They all had on great armor, of some unknown metal, that gleamed bright in the direct sun, and were all well equipped with various swords and shields. Two men on either side of both the edge of the drawbridge and the silver stoned walk held standards that seemed to float in the breeze, the cloth being the same shade of silver that the stones you walked on and the stones that made the great castle in front of you. Upon it was the symbol of a mighty black dragon. It’s mouth was open, but instead of flames, those butter-cream and lavender flowers were stitched upon the standard instead, furling out until the very end of the standard. You finally make your way to the top of two dozen stairs at the end of the walk that led you to the great doors, which seemed to be made of the same unknown metal as the men on the horses had been wearing. On either side of the door, once again, are two armored men, who simultaneously reach in and open the great doors for you. As soon as you step in, you stop yourself, looking at the grandeur of the castle itself. Unlike the silver stones that made up the outside of the castle, the walls of the great entrance room are a pale cream color, lined with filigree of gold at the edges of the top and bottom, and more prominently so In the corners. The ceiling seemed to be the sky, but yet it was not. It had the same blue as the sky outside, and the clouds rolled in time with the ones you could see outside the windows. The windows were not all stained glass you noted, these were clear, with the same golden filigree on the edges that lined the walls. Men and women were coupled, talking sometimes one on one, sometimes in groups, all along the area of the room. The talk didn’t rise to a disturbing level though, but reminded you of the quiet hum of the bees that frequented the area during the season. At the opposite end of the room were two great golden doors, thrown open, and a butter-cream rug rolled down the hall and stretched up what seemed to be a small handful of stairs, and at the top, were two great thrones. As you walked closer, you noted once again the lavender flowers on the edge of the butter-cream rug. They were incorporated everywhere, almost, it seemed. Half way down the hall, you note once again there are people talking, some sitting on chase lounges, some standing and picking dark grapes from golden bowls that sat upon tall golden stands. You glance back up at the two thrones, the smaller of the two catching your eye first, for it is empty. It is a cream color, with very little golden detail to it, but a plush seat with the velvet cushion the same color tone as the gold filigree. Your eyes wander to the greater throne, and you note it is made of the same cream color, but it has a good amount of gold detailing worked all over it, and this throne was occupied. Queen Marie Luxueux sat calmly upon the large throne, almost engulfed by it’s enormous frame. Her long hair was dark, almost black, but you could see the mahogany brown if the sun hit it just right through the windows. She wore a great gown of pale pink, the kind you saw on the primrose bushes out on the hills outside. The upper bodice of the gown was so fitting to her figure and supple breasts that it seemed her to be her skin. Her skin was paler than the fresh milk you got from the countryside cows, and her lips were ever so slightly shaped into a quiet pout. Beside her was a cushion on another gold stand, atop it was a crown made of rose colored gold, with pastel jewels at every point. Her eyes were almost a whiskey brown in the sunlight, and seemed to be searching you down to your soul’s intent as you stood there in shock. Any other castle you had frequented, the larger throne was always occupied by a male ruler. Bellefleur was indeed a beautiful, floral country, and it had a castle that matched. This was indeed, a woman’s rule…[/i] **Such is the setting, and below you will find the story line, and beneath that, the main needed characters. Of course if you feel you are interested and would like to play a character not listed that may fit into the story, please feel free to join in, just make sure you give enough detail and background about your character! In the mean time, there are firm characters that need to be filled. Those that are open will have (open) beside them, and those that are filled will have the person’s username in parentheses. Keep in mind, the post you start with should be your intro into the story.** [u]The basic story/plot of this leans toward a royal/court setting with some fantasy mixed in, and leaning towards a few affairs of the heart. There is a power hungry twist between a few characters.[/u] (FIRM) Characters: [b]The Queen of Bellefleur & Eoduun; Queen Marie Luxueux [u](NightsofNovember)[/u]:[/b] Wife to the King of Eoduun since the tender age of 16, the queen is now 21, 5'9'' and the main ruler of the country of Bellefleur. She comes from the long lineage of BelleFleurs, all previous marriages bearing a girl first, before any other children. The first born girl is always heir to the throne of Bellefleur, and continues to keep the family name dispite marriage. Only the first born keeps the last name of Bellefluer, however. She is one of two children, her other sibling being a male, and in servitude to her until a marriage is decided. Upon her marriage, as tradition goes, her mother went to the mountains, relinquishing her rule over the kingdom to Queen Marie. She has yet to have a conceive a child with her husband, which she blames on him, due to his rare visits and his choosing to mainly reside in his country of Eoduun. Dispite this, she does have true affection and love for her husband, but often finds herself thinking that it is a marriage that was prearranged and not of her choice, and she is a woman that likes to set her own way, choosing happenings of her own liking. Dispite this, she still believes that no matter what happens or what either does, a marriage is a marriage until death and beyond, that nothing can break their marriage. She is queen in every since of the word, and enjoys teasing her husband about her power in her country, and takes pleasure in being loved in her country, in every sense of the word. She finds herself unnerved and uneasy with the visits from her husband’s half-brother, but at the same time she finds herself guilty of wanting him around more, for company, but has yet to verbally express such, for she reminds herself he is a bastard. The queen is known for her expertise in flowers, potions, dancing, books, and knowledge of the senses, while some say its more knowledge of sensuality. [b]The King of Eoduun & Bellefleur; King Sebastian Everton [u](open)[/u]:[/b] Husband to Queen Marie Luxueux, and joint ruler to Bellefleur. Their marriage was arranged when Marie was a babe of two, and him only a young boy of 6. They married when Queen Marie was 16, and himself only 20. He is now a dashing young ruler of 25 years, standing at 6'1'', while his wife the queen is 21. While he is the main ruler and the queen the lesser joint ruler of Eoduun, the roles are reversed in Bellefleur. There is he the lesser of the two rulers, and he is more often than not in Eoduun. He is kind and loving to the queen, but still prefers to stay in his homeland where he has more power. He comes to stay with the queen sometimes for a few days out of the month. Sometimes these visits are spread apart, such as a few days in the beginning and a few in the end of the month, and sometimes these visits are clumped into one elongated visit of a week during the month. He has his own castle in Eoduun, which will be left to the person playing him to describe. The country of Eoduun is a rougher country, harsher in aspects of land fertility and more rebellions in the outskirts, where as Bellefleur is the complete opposite. While his love, attraction, and devotion are there for his wife the queen, neither of them can ever forget it was pre-arranged, they were forced to fall in love before they truly were by legal contracts. He is a handsome young king, with light bronzed skin and dark hair, with jet black eyes to match his hair. He is an only child, and his mother passed away shortly after his father, King Allamane Everton, was killed in battle, leaving him King and sole heir to Eoduun prior to his marriage, which took place just before his mother’s passing. He shares his wife’s belief in that they are married, and their marriage can not break no matter what either one of them does. He is rough man of the world, and helped his father in the rebellion where his bastard half-brother raised a rebellion and tried to take Eoduun. Even though his father was lost in battle, the battle of Eoduun was not lost to his half-brother. He banished his half-brother to the outskirts of Eoduun, that being the more poverty stricken part of the country, but it is rumored he took to the forest with his supporters. Being the only child from his parents marriage, he is bitter over the factor that a bastard would try to take his throne. [b]Sir Ravenrock of Eoduun; Sir Henry Ravenrock [u](open)[/u]:[/b] The bastard son of the old king of Eoduun, King Allamane, from an affair with the old queen of Eoduun’s first lady, the Duchess of Ravenrock of Eoduun. Banished for raising a failed rebellion against his father and half brother, in attempts to take the throne, and his pre-arranged marriage. Even though he is only banished to the outskirts of Eoduun, he chooses to live with his supporters in the forest connecting the two countries. Henry Ravenrock stands at 6'5'', and has the same black and hair eyes as his brother and father, but does not have the bronzed skin the king does, his is very pale. Even at his current age of 20, he has a passion hatrid for his full brother, feeling cheated of his childhood lost and feels like he should have inherited more than he did, despite him being a bastard. He in hungry for power, and lusts after the queen. Ocassionally he comes to court to pester and unnerve the queen, seeing as his the King of Eoduun neglected to ban him from Bellefleur. A bachelor by choice, refusing to marry because he feels he should have inherited the throne and the queen, and all the power and money that comes with it. Though still a bachelor, he enjoys carnal lusts with various women, but refuses to spend any time with them outside of evening courting and night bedding, because he believes he is better and higher than they are. He once lived with his mother prior to the rebellion, Duchess Anne of West End, but she was beheaded for treason during the rebellion, and he lost his title of Duke of Ravenrock, and all her land left to him was seized as penalty also. Now only a common squire, he refuses to answer to the title of Squire, and answers to Sir Ravenrock or Sir Henry/Sir Henry Ravenrock when formally spoken to/introduced. [b]Duchess Clementine; Duchess Annabell Clementine [u](open)[/u]:[/b] First lady in waiting to the current queen, and Duchess of the town Clementine of Bellefleur, she is also the best friend to Queen Marie. They were playmates in the town of Clementine, Duchess Annabell’s mother’s nursemaid was also nursemaid and nanny to the queen when she was a princess. They grew up together in the court after leaving their nanny/nursemaid, and keep no secrets from one another. Duchess Annabell is age 20 and unmarried, and her parents are out travelling the globe, and left her the estate in the town Clementine. She is known in in the town of Clementine for her vibrant ginger hair, and she is as slim as the branches on the fruit trees in her town, and almost as tall as the queen, she is about two inches shorter than the queen. Once a month or so she goes out to Clementine to make sure the town and her affairs there with the common folk are running smoothly, but other than that, she stays at court with the queen. She has her own rooms, adjoining the queen’s rooms on the east side, but sometimes stays on the pull out trundle bed in the queen’s apartments. She is extremely fond of the queen’s master of the horse, which happens to be the queen’s brother. While the queen knows of her admiration from afar, she is unaware that her brother shares the same feelings. This is the only thing Duchess Annabell has ever kept from the queen. Duchess Annabell respects King Sebastian, but does not approve of his rare visits, and feels he neglects his wife. [b]Prince Remington Luxueux of BelleFleur; Prince Remington [u](open)[/u]:[/b] Master of the horse to the queen, and brother to the queen, Prince Remington prefers to leave his title of Prince to legal matters and be addressed as Remington. He is 18 and unmarried, standing the same height as the queen, and has passion for the first lady in waiting to his sister, Duchess Annabell Clementine. Outside of horses, she is the only thing he finds himself passionate about. He is loyal to his sister the queen, no matter the situation, but finds himself torn because he knows his sister may not approve of his feelings for Annabell. He intends to approach Annabell in private and express feelings. He has a grand estate on the backside of BelleFleur, nearer to the mountains. There he breeds Arabian horses, often brought in from out of country. He mostly stays at court and tends to the queen’s stables, but uses his grand estate as a get away from time to time. [b]Eleanor James of Cempterfield; Widowed Squire’s Wife [u](open)[/u]:[/b] Eleanor James is only 17, and a recent widow. Her late husband was a squire, and left her his little countryside home in the poorer part of Eoduun, right outside the forest. She often sees the king pass through on his way to his wife. She has no children, and no desire for power, but finds herself quiet alone and though she enjoys her herb garden and practices with herbs, she finds that herbs are not much company. She often travels to both courts to sell her herbs, which are said to be good for fertility, migraines, sleeping, and other things of that nature. She also travels to the mountains behind Bellefleur often, to find new herbs to take home to plant. She is 5'2'', and rumored to be a witch. [b]The Previous Queen Margaret Luxueux [u](open)[/u]:[/b] Margaret retired to the mountain top caves, as is tradition when her oldest daughter married, and relinquished her reign over to her. It is rumored she watches Bellefleur from afar, protecting the country in time of extreme crisis, and it is rumoured she is the current black dragon, that she shapeshifts into her to take flight. The other smaller dragons are rumored to be ancestors and previous queens. No one has seen her since she retired, other than when she comes down during the Spring Feast for turning of the seasons, and during Christmas feasts. She is 59, and extremely biased, believing that only women should have power.