Rise of a hive on a primitive world, aftermath... The "meteorite" had crashed into the world, creating a crater some 18 meters in diameter. The meteorologists of the planet had raised to investigate this new crash has uncovered what was being hailed as the greatest find of their century. The discovery of organic tissue in a meteor. It was overgrown with this strange, organic substance that the worlds biologists though tk be some strange form of alien plant or fungus, given the large spore like sacks growing in it. They had set up a bio containment site around the meteorite, and were studying this life form intently, suspecting it to be proof of the possibility of alien life. The truth was, of course, much more insidious. Seven Parasitic spore forms had escaped the crash, and while their brethren were maturing inside the surrounded meteor, these parasites had set to work in the nearby forest. The mass of creatures and plants gave them no shortage of biomass, though of course animals were more useful. The bodies were dumped together and slowly turned by the little creatures into biomass, as they secreted their unique bacteria onto it. These broken down bodies turned into a thick 'skin', and from it small sacks began to form, feeding off the biomass to create more spore forms with which to infest the world, the time it took them to mature being abnormally short The young boy, Fenrir, had snuck out with his friends to see this supposed bio containment site, which had over the past two weeks it had been there become the towns myth and legend. Some said they saw alien like figures go inside or come out, and though the meteor was actually a crashed space ship, others said it was actually a site for conducting illegal experiments on the towns residents, others though it was some form of conspiracy to cover up the truth. Naturally, this piqued curiosity in the youth, who often dared each other to go near it at night or sat up on "Alien watches", hoping to catch a glimpse of the apparent aliens. Apart from the military bio hazard vehicles which transported samples away, nothing ever really happened. The three boy's, Fenrir, Ezik and Arrage had been out to it at night before, but Ezic was insisted that they had missed something. Ezic was by far the smallest and weakest of the three, and always seemed to want to prove his worth. There was no challenge that Ezic would not accept and try. After two days, they finally gave in to his constant pestering and went out to prove to him once and for all that there was nothing. They arrived on the edge of the crater to overlook the facility and, as it did every night, it looked creepy and foreboding. Fenrir shuddered at the thought of being caught by the military... Or worse one of the aliens. "See? Nothing" Arrage whispered, turning to face Ezic. Ezics yellow, lizard like eyes blinked twice and his whispered back "We should go closer" No sooner had he said that then he slid down the hill and towards the strange, dome like construct. Fenrir was quick to follow, despite Arrages protests. "Come on!" Ezic hissed up at Arrage, who remained knelt on the ridge above, shaking his head "You're mentally challenged, they'll be guarding the roads out." He said "They weren't when we passed them" Ezic countered as Arrage stood up and turned away, disappearing into the black. Ezic shrugged and muttered something, which Fenrir didn't hear properly. He was about to ask when the two were cut off by the sound of a muffled yell and a gunshot from within the biocontainment. Almost instantly, Ezics couraged dissipated. The two could not retreat back up the hill, they would have to proceed forwards and pass one of the two doors that were on either side of the biodome to reach one of the paths leading out of the crater. The two remained rooted to the spot as they listened to the sound of yelling and gunshots from within the biodome... Then silence, and what sounded like someone talking and a dull laughter. Ezic smiled, then chuckled slightly "We've been taken for fools, Fenrir, we must be near the guards quarters, they might have a picture box!" He said, turned and walking towards the door, passing it slowly. Fenrir wasn't so certain, it had all sounded much, much more real than a PB. He whispered slowly "It sounded real, Arrage..." "They probably have a better model than us, besides..." "My family owns the best, Arrage, it wasn't a PB..." "Maybe its something government issue then, just... Come on before we're seen" Ezic said with false confidence, and Fenrir edged forwards towards the door. He had images in his mind of a massive alien storming out of the door and grabbing him, tearing his tongue out and eating his arms and... He pushed the images to the back of his mind, but as he got closer to the door they only got more and more intense. Ezic seemed the be nervous too, keeping his eyes on the door as he crept past, and was careful to stay as far away as possible in the tight crater. Fenrir approached it and took his eyes off it, closing them tightly as he crept past, determined not to look at it. His fear git the better of him, and his left eye opened to take a peek. Fenrir found himself staring at the white door... And nothing more. He opened his other eye and took another step and cleared the door, before realising he had been holding his breath and exhaled. His fear subsided slightly, and he almost laughed at how absurd it was. They had found some form of alien plant after all, hadn't they? If there was another form of alien life, surely they would have announced that too. Whatever the case, both he and Ezic began to jog, not wanting to delay long enough for the road to become guarded again. Ezic beat him too it and came to a stop at the top of the crater. Fenrir looks at him curiously and as he came over the top of the crater his heart sank as he saw a humanoid shape. The gaurds must have been back. They slowly began to approach, knowing that they would be caught either way now. As they approached, however, they realised that the shape wasn't wearing armour... In fact, it wasn't even armed... That figure also looked surprisingly Arrage shaped. Fenrirs heart kept and he broke into a run, dashing up to Arrage from behind and calling out for him. Arrage didn't turn, even when the two knew he could hear them. They approached him and Ezic reached out and tapped him on the shoulder... No sooner had he done that, Arrage spun around and seized Ezic by the throat, lifting him off the ground. Ezic cried out in shock and Arrage seemed to be examining him for a moment, sizing him up. Suddenly, Arrage spun around, releasing his grip and sending Ezic flying, the screaming teenager soaring through the air and over the edge of the crater. Ezics screams came to a sudden stop and a sickening crunch resounded up from the crater. Fenrir slowly backed away and the light cast on Arrage as he approached Fenrir. Arrage was not Arrage. His face looked pale and lifeless, his eyes darted around like a hungry predators rather than a sentient being, his claws had grown larger and his clothing had a small, bloody hole torn in it. The face if the not-Arrage seem to be mocking him, and Fenrir felt himself back into something. He stopped and whimpered. Fear over came him, sweat dropped from his clothing. He did not want to turn to see what was behind him, but he knew that he had to. Slowly he turned around, and behind him was the most disgusting sight he had seen in his life. The creature wore body armour, though a small hole was torn it in. Bolbous sacks hung from its flesh, and something appeared to be moving inside of them. Its eyes started at him blankly, and its arms had mutated, the left one having changed into a large tentacle like appendage. In its right arm it still clutched its rifle, its finger on the trigger. He felt the tentacle wrap around his throat, and he clutched at it, tearing at it with his claws to try and pry himself loose, but the thick skin protected it and it merely tightened. Slowly, one of the disgusting sacks on the creatures right arm began to split open, and a strange blob like creature with small, tentacle like legs began to emerge from it, covered it a sticky fluid and struggling its way out. Watching the repulsive blob fight its way out of its strange birthplace, Fenrir began to feel physically sick and began to struggle again, tossing himself from side to side, but the tentacle kept its horrid grip, keeping him trapped under its grip. It was only a moment later that he realised, in absolute horror and disgust, why it hadn't killed him. It wanted to turn him into one of those things, it wanted him intact. The blob leapt onto his chest, and he felt a sharp and sudden pain as small, razor like teeth began to tear at his flesh. He tried to cry out in horror but the tentacle that was wound around his neck tightened and cut off his screams. The beginings of a hive had been created, and now that it had gained sufficient biomass to create enough spore forms, it would spread out from the area and infest the world... The L'Er had spread to another world, and in time would take the entire world. The Tribunal of the Hives turned its attention to the newly forming hive, waiting eagerly for the formation of a Mind...