Summer Jordan was on the run. Of course, it felt like she was always on the run. Now and again she’d be somewhere for maybe a month before she’d get too afraid. People would look at her and she would instantly tell herself [i] They know…[/i] and the next day she was gone. She was too afraid to settle down for more than a month at a time. She never had time to make alliances. She had tried that route before. Join up with another group of deviants, get captured because a group calls attention to themselves, teleport away and run. Just run. The years had led her to the deserts of the Middle East, always running towards the next town that was said to house those friendly to deviants. On this day, Summer held her bag with everything that belonged to her left in it. She was wearing some thick, flared jeans and a black hoodie over a white tank top. The hood was pulled over her head, concealing her mass of blonde messy curls and letting her timid blue eyes peer out. Her heavy boots made a good crunch on the sidewalk now that she had reached some city limits, but the noise almost made her jump each time she took a step. [i] Stop acting so suspicious! [/i] she mentally scolded herself. Taking a deep breath, Summer pulled down her hood and began walking straight, not looking side to side. She heard gun shots and hesitated, but she knew she had to keep walking. Normal would be wanting a deviant dead right? Normal was so bizarre to her anymore. She bit the inside of her cheek as others passed by her, dipping her eyes to the ground just out of habit. She began tugging on each door handle she passed, trying to find somewhere she could just sit and relax for a little bit before running some more, when finally a door opened to her touch. She glanced up to see what it was. A bar. Awesome. Maybe she had enough cash for a drink. She needed it. Summer walked inside Hole in the Wall and quickly made her way to a seat, putting a hand to her forehead like she had a headache before setting her bag in the seat next to her.