[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fDONg2O.png?1[/IMG] [b]Venny smirked at Faris' sarcasm, [I]"Yeah no one would, DEAR give an Ares' kid a present in this place."[/I]He started to laugh. [I] ”Look, it’s going to be boring as hell here unless we can spice things up now and again. At least a party or two that gets out of control. I’m not much on pranks but if there is ever anybody you want to challenge as a team I’m up for that too. I definitely think there should be a party tonight at least,”[/I] Venny stood up at that, [I]"Yeah! We can have a giant party, that even the so called, "Gods", would hear about it, a party hosted by Ares' kids."[/I] He already had it planned out in his head. [I]”Although if you start dating that little creampuff she might not be impressed by fighting and what I’m guessing are typical Ares kid antics,”[/I] He looked right at her, with his "really face", [I]"One thing you should know about me is, I don't let anyone tell me what to do."[/I] He grabbed her hand, and ran towards the door. [I]"Now let's go find some more people, so we can planned this party out, but don't let that goth chick, and the kid with the fucked up arm know...or they'll shut it down, before it even starts."[/I] Venny was ready to start some trouble, some godlike trouble. [/b][/center]