Appearance:[url=] Malestel [/url] Name: Malestel Hail, Also known as "Ohtar" Race: Ranger of The North Age: 84 Class: Ranger Possessions: Longsword, Spear, Longbow and quiver Bio: Malestel had seen much in his life he saw the third age come to it's conclusion, some of the Dunedain followed Aragorn II to Gondor as they were finally free to live their lives without fear, some like Malestel stayed in the north enjoying the woods and the comforts of nature there wasn't much to do after Aragorn II and Frodo Baggins saved Middle Earth. So the rangers kept with their duty of policing the north but while out scouting Malestel and company were ambushed by a band of wild orcs leaving Malestel the only the survive and with his friends dead at his feet he swore that he would kill every last remaining orc,Urk-hai, and Goblin if it was the last thing he did and till this day he still keeps that promise.