[b]Greater Downtown [/b]– [i]7:45 pm[/i] – Graviskate Arena The HUV made the rounds to everywhere Richard ordered and then they had finally headed to the arena. They had a VIP parking spot and the driver quickly pulled in. Not 2 seconds afterwards a giant throng of young adults rushed out of the HUV and made their way towards the stadium. [b]”Oh geez,”[/b] Delilah whispered, thanking the driver who would be staying in the vehicle but watching the game nonetheless through a live showing. She hurried to beat them to the door so she could explain who the party was. The ushers looked annoyed until they saw Delilah who most of them recognized. She smiled and waved, finding Remy, the manager. [b]”I need these guys rounded up to their VIP box seats. Hector should have vouched for me?”[/b] she asked, praying he hadn’t forgotten. “Oh right right,” Remy nodded, getting two of the ushers and explaining the situation so no one would be asked for tickets. “Right this way MacArthur party!” one shouted, and the 20 year olds followed up to their seats. [b]”Thank you,” [/b]Delilah smiled, electronically tipping Remy and the two ushers. She followed the group up to the box, finding a seat out of the way. She enjoyed Graviskate but she also could care less who won as long as the game was entertaining. Thankfully it usually was. Now that she was settled she let the kids have at it, drinking, eating, flirting with each other. She sat in her seat, moving money around in the screen of her vision, paying everything up. She deposited the rest of MacArthur’s money into her bank account and smiled slightly. Well, if the job wasn’t worth the aggravation, at least she was paid well for it. While she was sitting by herself, one of the frat guys came up to her and tried hitting on her, but she gave him a pitying smile. [b]”Sorry, you’re just not my type. But that brunette over there looks jealous that you’re talking to me,”[/b] Delilah lied, smiling and coyly pointing to a girl. The guy puffed out his chest and walked over to the girl, making Delilah giggle to herself.