Chaining in one attack after another, Rauchnaut finaly got his enemy to dodge his sword, not parry, allowing to slip in swiftly a sly follow up attack. Bulat's tip burried itself into the ground, even his beastly might not enough to immeditely halt the swing's momentum, and as the demon bolted, catching up on Max, it left a deep blew up the soil, leaving a deep gash and surfacing roots. Faster than the lizard, Rauchnaut would be within range and ready to strike before it got the chance to gain steady footing, and by that time, the blade's edge would already just a few inches away from its thigh: pushing off, not only did he dash forawrds, but he also created a spinning motion, throwing it into a clockwise cleave. Morever, his arms brought the blade upwards, from the ground towards his opponent's leg, and this, combined with the initial power, would give this false edge strike enough force to throw Max to the ground and snap femur bone, if not cut the leg off completely.