The guy on the hallway tried to reason with her, but she was too busy trying to get the panel open. It was of no use, she figured. Whom had closed it? And how did these men get by all the guards so easily? They didn’t even seem tired or hurried, just standing there. Something was terribly off, but Allison did not seem to understand what. With her backpack clenched in her fist, she walked over to the ventilation system. Failing at prying it open, she cursed. “How is this possib-..” The voice of the man now appeared to be inside. Her stomach started to twist and she felt ill. [i]”This cannot be happening! Where are my guards? My father? Brother? Anyone..?”[/i] The moment she held still in her room, were the moments she realized there was no way she was escaping her room. The men calmly told her the alarm had been turned off and her escape route was locked. This was planned, or they were masterminds. Silently, Allison walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge of the bed. His footsteps came closer and closer, and she was stuck in her room. There was no place she could hide or even run to. And fighting was no option either: there was no way she would be able to even give him a decent smack before getting lifted up in the air and into his ship. Being as fragile as she was, that seemed like mission impossible. “I’m right here you know.” Allison couldn’t believe her ears she actually helped him finding her. She would rather go willingly than dead.