Karah smiled, which made her eyes light up, she could tell that the thought of skipping class made Miles uncomfortable. She felt bad, she didn't want him to ruin his college career to make her feel better about herself. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, "Your such a gentleman, and I really would love to go to the restaurant with you. But if you really need to go to class, I can meet you in my dorm after wards? I have no roommate, so we could hang out or something and then go to the restaurant?" Karah knew that it was a bit 'unladylike' to have a guy in her dorm room on the first day of college, but it wasn't like they were going to tear off each other's clothes! She knew that it would be fun to sit and talk to him, maybe watch a movie, she felt a twinge of something in her heart that she hadn't really felt before, which is why she didn't want him to skip class because of her. She wanted to make him smile, and not sad. Karah brushed a hand through her hair and tilted her head to the side, studying him. She really liked the way he looked, his hair made her want to touch it, and she actually had the sudden urge to lean up and kiss his cheek again. Although this time it might be weird, "Unless you want to then I wont argue with you, but either way really is fine with me. I just don't know where that girl was headed and I don't really want to be in the same class as her...She was awful, made fun of my clothes, and my tattoos..." Karah sighed when she realized that she may sound a bit childish, complaining like she was about a bully.