Jason listened to Karen's speech carefully. He agreed with her on most points, although he still wasn't sure if it would really be best to make the journey on horseback. It would take longer, and also most people didn't really know how to ride with proper equipment, let alone bareback. His thoughts were cut short by a woman who walked in and put some small bottled pills on the table. He noticed that most of the stuff she brought wasn't the important stuff they were looking for, but it was nice to have some painkillers. Jason decided that the room was getting too stuffy, and anyway he wanted to go visit Blake to see what are his plans, so he turned to everyone, notified them that he was leaving, and if anyone needed medical attention they could find him with Blake. He exited the hospital and set off to the store with the balcony where he knew Blake liked hanging out. Blake said it helped him think or some bullshit like that. Whatever.