Kozue wanted to go home? That didn't really seem like an option anymore. The way Masato saw it they may as well make the most of their situation. "Where's your sense of adventure man? I mean this is like a once in a lifetime deal. Why try and run from it?" He rolled along nearby Kozue and Yori. Yori seemed to have figured out some part of the galleries mystery. But of course as soon as they thought they'd figured it out something had to come along to complicate things. Masato scratched the top of his head after the person had replied to Yori's question. "So what's the betting these residents want us super dead? Since I'm going with high." It was the only explanation that made sense because otherwise why would the creepy person on the other end of the speakers tell them? So far they had only been given warnings about their deaths and vague threats. It made sense for that fun trend to continue. It was a lot of effort to go to sure but Masato knew better than to doubt the person making threats in a world with a pink sky. It just wouldn't be good for his long term health.