[quote=Magic Magnum] Gaming even if it's becoming more accepted, is still the main hobby that keeps people from going outside. It's still the hobby where on average there are less IRL social interactions. Both of which btw are 100% fine, I do not mean to imply for a second that being a gamer is somehow wrong or unhealthy and needs to chance. Hell a better way to word it may simply be "Gamer's are the most likely to be Introverts".What do Extroverts constantly do in reaction to Introverts? Not connect or relate as well, people who feel a massive need to get outside, interact with human beings etc. Setting up Introvert's as something a bit alien, and once seen as something outside/different it becomes easier for Introverts to be looked down upon. This is easily seen in examples such as:-In School's it's always the Extroverted Popular kids who more people like. That School Staff and Majority of Teachers treat favorably and look the other way for most often.-Extrovert's always being deemed as the "Developmentally Healthy" individual/mindset, and the Introvert being painted as "Developmentally flawed or lacking".And once you society as degraded them in such a way, it becomes easily to make them the scapegoat. Make them the sub-group to be hated upon, controlling that hatred to fuel another,selfish agendaIt's this, in Combination with "New Things scare society" is what I believe has allowed the 'Gamers are Violent/Entitled/Sexist' claims to stay alive for so long. Hell most of the claims about violence, entitlement or being sexist can be more easily (and accurately) made in regards to something such as sports. But it never happens, cause that isn't a group of people that society has decided it can look down on, but rather something they openly accept and identify with. [/quote] I've got to get going, my firstday at my new job starts in 1 hour. (9:30 Pm to 6:00 AM), so I don't have time to address your post as I'd like to. When I get back from work, I'll respond - But I want to say I agree with you 100 ℅ and simply want to add to several points you made.