So, in fifteen minutes I learnt all about the Zoe Quinn case. the first page and a half, anyway. Which then escalated to an interesting discussion about feminism, what it is, what it isn't, who it targets, which then went into gamers as the years go by. Thank you for your opinions and valuable information brought to me. ...and I'd just like to add I really like D&D, and I don't think most people who play it...must be...>> Horrid. But that's the same for everything. Generalisations are always incorrect. You can never really truly speak for an entire party with anything, so I understand. As for gamers being introverts, haha, perhaps with actual physical interaction but...gamers who play online and stuff probably make more interactions with real people than a person would do with people in real life, in just one day! That is all. Good luck with your job. D&D is cool. Feminism extremists are not very cool. Zoe Quinn craze seems to have died down. I now understand it however. No clue who this Anita is. My corner of the world is a very sheltered place. And we do need more female protagonists, for no other reason in my opinion than "It'd be fucking awesome, yeeeeeeah!" Just look at the Tomb Raider series. Gorgeous. That is all. Fare thee well, the arbitrary fourth horseman rides off into the sunset, never to show their face again to said thread after dropping their two cents into an empty wishing-well!