light mode + wings [hider=Light Mode][img][/img][/hider] armored mode [hider=Armored Mode][img][/img][/hider] Name: A.L.I.C.E (Artificial Limbs Integration Cyborg Experiment) Sex: Female Age: 16 Race: cyborg (altered human) Armor: -Main Core: Located inside the center of her chest. This core provides power to all electronics throughout her body. It will continue to supply power for a theoretically infinite period of time, so long as it is not pushed to breaking limits. -AGS plates: Anti gravity plates that can be freely manipulated by the unique signals sent from her electronic brain. -Hover leg systems: Her legs are too pointy to stand on, so there is a hovering system installed in each leg that keeps her hovering between 5cm to 1m above ground. This height is dependent on the power output. -Back storage: Out of combat her armor plates are stored on her back. Any damaged plates are automatically repaired over time while stored. -Head antennae: 2 spikes on her head that can catch radio signals that are connected to her electric brain. They can be rotated in any direction. No danger to the brain if they're hit. -Artificial brain: Part of her brain is replaced with a technological one. It works just like a computer and has a lot of information stored on it. Including a Killer mode that when activated takes over control of the body and executes any order without hesitation. Everything that happens in Killer mode is stored in the artificial brain. She can freely access almost all information that is stored on this brain. The exception being the killer mode files. -Artificial left eye: Her left eye had been replaced with an artificial one that can be used to scan and record anything it sees. This is directly linked to her artificial brain. Light mode -AGS Wings: She can use her AGS plates to form wings and apply their anti gravity force to let her fly. Can use Hover leg systems to increase speed. Armored Mode She can go into this mode by attaching all her armor plates to her unarmored areas. -Sharp body: All parts of her armor have become very sharp and can't be grabbed without protection or the risk of injury. -Enhanced hover leg systems: The power of the hovering system is increased so she is much faster. She can also do a burst of energy, while standing still, with them to jump short distances through the air. Weapon(s) of Choice: Light mode -Sharp Arm Guns: Can shoot laser bullets out of the purple crystals on her arms. She can also use them to try and pierce through unarmored areas by encasing the energy around her lower arm. -Light/heavy fire mode: Light fire mode makes the bullets smaller and have less power, but firerate is 3 per second per gun. Heavy fire mode makes the bullets bigger and have more power, but firerate is 1 per 3 seconds per gun. -Combined fire mode: Both arm guns can but put against each other to form 1 big bullet, but firerate is 1 per 6 seconds. Armored Mode -Arm swords: Each arm can open up and release a long sword. These swords are very sharp and can cut through even weak armor with ease. -Shoulder cannons: She can shoot them both up to 2 times before they need to go on cooldown for 2.5 minutes for each shot. Cooldown can be forced before 4 shots. -Vibrating swords/"Death By Piercing": When she says the command the 2 sides of the sword open up and a purple aura surrounds the swords that can cut through almost anything. After using this for 5 minutes it goes on cooldown for 10 minutes. History: When she was small she was in a big accident. Her limbs were broken and she also had a very heavy concussion. She had some brain damage because of this. Her parents were told that she had died, but she was just used in a military experiment as a guinea pig. Her limbs were replaced with artificial ones and part of her brain was electronics. The scientist had calculated that there was a 10% chance she would survive the brain operation and she did. Although she couldn't remember anything from before the accident, even her own name. The scientists used this to their advantage. In the coming years she was physically trained and they even inputted a killer mode into her artificial brain. This way no emotions would stand in the way of an order. This did mean her normal more childish personality remained as well, because they did more training for her killer mode. Through the years her parts also got upgraded. She had been the test subject for a lot of experimental weapons. Her current armor set is the experimental AGS plate armor. Her body was also reinforced by putting metal parts over her bones so she could survive almost any situation. In the last year they have also been sending her out on assassination missions to eliminate high value targets. They always put her in killer mode before she left and only took her out when she was back at the base. In the base she does lead a bit of a normal life. She has her own room and is allowed to roam freely in certain sectors of the base.