[quote=Brovo] Except that's quintessentially what happened. Lincoln said "no more slaves kay". Over time blacks then earned more and more rights when they stood up and took them through numbers and good causes.The only time change happens is when people get off their asses and make things change. Through politics or violence. [/quote] [url=http://www.history.com/news/5-things-you-may-not-know-about-lincoln-slavery-and-emancipation]Lincoln wasn't exactly "gung-ho" over abolishing slavery[/url] Besides that, you have misinterpreted the point I made. [b]What MDK Said:[/b] "Just stop giving them power." [b]What Aeonumbra Said:[/b] "That's like telling the slaves to stop being slaves." [b]What Brovo Said:[/b] "But Lincoln abolished slavery and the blacks fought for civil rights and equality." I really don't know how you missed that. You kind of derailed from what I stated. So let me flesh it out for you. I did not say it's like telling them to fight for civil rights, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What I literally said, it's right there, is that it was like telling them to [b]Stop being slaves[/b]. They didn't just stand up and say "you know what, I'm tired of being a slave." Obviously that's not how slavery works. They ran, they hid, they were killed, they were cowed into submission, but ultimately they as a people remained slaves. The President of the United States of America "freed" them. (Though his ideals weren't nearly what is taught in American schools.) Now that I've clearly stated a point that was clear to begin with (so nobody is confused as to what I said, perhaps we should get back on topic. This is not up for a derailed argument, if you want to discuss it further PM me, I'd happily oblige to debate with you. [quote=The Nexerus] There have been so many "second revolution" sparks in the United States that if an actual rebellion against the government ever occurs in the future it ought to be called the fourteenth or fifteenth revolution. [/quote] You are quite right on this. But because of the overwhelming level of technology and militarized weapons already against us, anything revolution that happens now would get it's own memorial day in history because we would be slaughtered. Not to mention there are so many different views and ideals on how things should be ran that hardly anyone can agree, let alone enough of the population to do something about it, let alone get the items needed for it. On top of that, creating a country in chaos puts us in a terrible standing in the world, someone would surely invade us to bring "democracy" and "Freedom" like those other chaotic countries over in the east. Then there's our "who's got the bigger d***" contest because we're America, Fuck yea, we can do whatever we want. And by we I mean the government because the people really don't have a voice. Not one that's heard, just look at Ferguson. The people are outraged, yea there are some bad eggs looting. Their methods not all be the same but the voice is there, it demands justice. Will there be justice? I'm not sure, just look at all the bad cops walking free. [quote=TheDailyBest.com]The Brown case would be far from the most outrageous incident involving a police officer not being criminally charged for killing an unarmed person. In 2012, for example, Brian Claunch, a wheelchair-bound double amputee living in a group home in Houston, became unruly. After the cops arrived, Claunch, who had a history of mental illness, verbally threatened them from his wheelchair and waved a shiny object—a ballpoint pen. After Claunch refused to drop the pen, one of the officers shot him in the head, killing him.[/quote] [url=http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/08/26/why-killer-cops-walk-free.html]Source[/url] Furgeson is hardly the most ridiculous case out there. I keep on this all the time, I usually read 4-5 different sources on the subject, seeing what everyone has to say. And they're probably right. The cop who shot brown probably won't even be charged (at most he'll receive probation, a fine, or issue a public apology but I doubt any of that) and the populace will be cowed into submission. This is the world we live in, I really hope I'm wrong, but so far I doesn't look that way considering the history of our nation's legal cases.