[quote=CaughtInTheRiddle] Prince, if you want me to help you write the first post, I'm more than happy. I Sweet spoke to me about the opening post and the nature of which she wanted it to go.So, just let me know if you want to collaborate. [/quote] *Yaay* [Quote=JaSi] Ewww... it is made of dead flesh. And it has creepy, creepy little meanie dollies in a satchel. It doesn't laugh with me, for me or at me. It just laughs cuz it knows what funny should be. It is hollow and frightening.. It shambles around with its meanie little dollies, all stitched together-like... I don't think it realizes that it smells... funny, not ha-ha funny but old, used and stitched together kind of funny... aye and a promise. And you know the giant puppetry things I make to fly high above the carny, tied up and controlled by cord tethered to ground? Well that is what this thing does to others; makes them into puppets. And dids I tell ya yet? It has meanie little dolles!!! I don't like it, but it hasn't done anything wrong to me... yet... [/Quote] Somehow, I find this really amusing. [S] Psh, although Robin smells like laundried fabrics >.> <.< [/s]