Luca showed visible excitement when she was paired with Garrett. She hopped up slightly, her tail wagging. She walked with a skip to her step as she walked over to Garrett. She nudged his shoulder with hers, practically the wolf version of a fist-bump, with a wolfish grin. She was quite glad to be paired with Garrett. Their strengths covered each others weaknesses and their personalities meshed well together. Garrett was strong and Luca was agile. She had fast nips and he took large chomps. And with total trust for the older wolf this was likely to be a successful hunt. Luca silently reminded herself to thank Mikhail once they were fed and human again. She also gave out a soft chuckle when she heard Leo's teasing towards Rhyle, having to pair with the father of the group. Luca saw Mikhail as a father to her as well, since she really didn't have a dad anymore. But it must be tough for Rhyle. Luca took a look up a Garrett before bumping his shoulder again and following the scent.