[i]Dave[/i] “I like you John, I really do.” Dave said amicably as he sat down in front of the other pirate. The human glared at him from the chair he was restrained in. The chair was bolted to the floor, and John was strapped to it by his wrists and ankles. The room itself was bare except for the two chairs, and a table next to them. Dave smiled cheerfully at his captive, pulling out his revolver and putting a box of ammunition for it on the table. “And I mean it when I say that. Attacking and attempting to board the flag ship of your enemy with you slapped together freighter was brave. Completely and utterly stupid, but brave. Of course, being a leader, you can’t afford to be stupid, otherwise you’ll end up in the position you now are in. All of your crew dead, your ship being looted and stripped as we speak, and you are about to be interrogated for any and all information you have on what we both seek. But, I didn’t come here to speak of your failures.” He hefted the empty revolver. “I’m sure you’re wondering what this is. This is a revolver. A sort of pistol that only fired six shots a thousand or so years ago.” John continued to stare mutely and hatefully, no doubt thinking of all the ways he would be killing Dave right now. “ The reason I have this extinct and utterly useless gun is for one simple reason. Russian Roulette.” John blinked. “What the hell is that?” Dave sighed, loading one bullet into his revolver and then spinning the chamber. “The ignorance of youth. Russian Roulette is where I load one bullet into the gun, spin the chamber, and then fire the weapon at you. If this wasn’t an interrogation, we’d be taking turns aiming the gun at our own heads and pulling the trigger for thrills and money. As it is, I’m going to aim it at your knee cap. If you’re unlucky, you’ll get the one bullet to the knee. But first, a question.” Resting the muzzle of the gun on John’s knee, Dave asked, “What do you know about the artifact? Aside from what everyone knows. You know, Prothean, it’s general location, how it’s worth so many credits that whoever has it can probably live and die like a king, stuff like that. Anything new to shed on the subject?” Slightly wide eyed, John shook his head. “No idea. I was just trying to get rid of competition.” Dave sighed. “Alright then. Let’s see if you’re unlucky or not.” John began to beg. “No pleas-“ [i]Click[/i]. John interrupted himself with small scream and a tensing in preparation for the bullet and the pain that never came. He let out a sigh of relief. Dave shrugged. “On to two bullets in the chamber then. Same question.” John began to try and persuade the pirate captain. “I’m telling you, I don’t know anything. If I did, why would I have bothered attacking you? I would have just simply went straight to the artifact.” Dave nodded, spinning the chamber with two bullets in it this time. “Perhaps. Or, you may be lying to me, trying to get me to stop before you break. Either way, I’m going to ask the same question. Then, if you give the same answer, I’m going to pull the trigger again.” He grinned at the captive man. “I may not even have to harm you once. I’ll just let your fear and your mind break you for me. Admittedly, there are other, more sophisticated ways to do such a thing, but none quite as…interesting, as this.” John’s luck lasted until there were three bullets in the chamber. Then one tore through his kneecap. His scream echoed only faintly outside of the room. And after that, John’s luck took a turn for the worse. Every pull of the trigger was a bullet. Every bullet went through a new joint. To give him credit though, John never changed his story. It was that, as much as the fact that it was clear that he was getting nowhere, that made Dave finally put a bullet through John’s skull. Stepping out of the room, ineffectually brushing at the blood spots on his clothing, he walked briskly back to the CIC. His second in command asked, “Find out anything useful?” Dave shook his head. “Nope. Kid was just what he appeared to be, brave, stupid, and now, dead.”