If ever a dog did walk with swagger, it was Auguste De La Fontaine. Son of Aphrodite, King of Parties, Lover of All. Auguste walked with a smooth gait, his eyes continually scanning the crowds of campers, a perpetual smirk on his lips, always on the watch for the next little chicken to add to his coup. He was dressed to the nines, always was. A personally tailored suit that hugged him in all the right places, stylized after Prince William's morning suit with a minor adjustment to the buttons that made it oh so much easier to slip in and out of at a moments notice. The fates were kind to Auguste, giving him hair that rarely failed to fall just right, nails that never grew too long, teeth that refused to yellow, a body that took any abuse and remained in peak physique. Life was good. Always was for Auguste and as he surveyed the crowd that was slowly unraveling before the infamous dorm of Hades' daughter and her pet demigod, he could tell today would be no different. Some new kid seemed to be putting the moves on Syleste and oh my my my my, that simply would not do. He watched from a far, absentmindedly running his fingertips along his beard as his eyes danced from camper to camper. They were all so cute and he was already marking his future targets. Syleste was a constant target of his. She was too pure to spoil just yet though. He'd savour every step with her. She was always a complete fascination of his and forever would be, and not just because of the pink hair. It's not like he had a thing for dyed hair. [i]He totally did.[/i] Let's see, other targets, other targets, other targets. Well, Ares boy was cute. Perhaps he'd have to be educated on the finer things in life, Auguste thought, licking his lips from anticipation. "Een-ee, mean-ee, mine-ee..." He softly spoke, pointing at campers, looking for another target, stopping his finger on the flaming girl who was currently griping at Erin's pet, "Def-fin-et-lee minie-ee." Auguste made his way over to his dear dear friend and apple of his eye, Syleste, almost gliding along that ground up behind her. He leaned in, his lips just shy of her earlobe as he brought a hand up, putting two fingers down on the edge of her shoulder. "Flirting with the new cuties, are we" He whispered into her ear, his two fingers walking up her shoulder with every word, stopping at the nape of her neck. "You know I don't like to share," He grinned, knowing that while she could not see it, she'd know it was there. His fingers ran through his hair, as he stepped away from her, "Next time you want to see through touch, I'll let you see every inch of me." He said over his shoulder as he walked toward the crowd of fresh-blood, his eyes on the red head he had seen countless times. Thane seemed to be stealing one of Auguste's cherished moves, suddenly sweeping a girl off her feet. Well, that was simply unacceptable. Flame tore away at the girl's shirt after Thane dropped her and returned to his mopey self, Auguste's eyes now glued to the lovely pair of breasts that managed to remain hidden away by a bra. "Poo." Auguste briefly pouted, breaking into a jog to chase after the retreating girl, ripping off his jacket and coat as he did so. He was on her well before she could make it to her cabin, sliding the jacket over her shoulders and grabbing on to her, reenacting the move Thane did only moments ago. Though Thane and Auguste had very, very different views on the world. Thane liked dark colours, Auguste liked pastel. Thane had restraint, August... not a lick of it. Auguste wasted no time hesitating, planting a kiss on the lips of the red head, his eyes flashing open for a moment, brilliant green orbs peering into the oceanic eyes of Astrid. He pulled away, flashing his trademark grin, "I'd love to see that trick again when I see you tonight." His voice flowed like honey, his eyes expressing an endless confidence that seemed to pour out of every inch of him. He quickly swung her back up onto her feet, letting go the moment she was on her feet. He was already walking away from her by the time she would have regained her sense of balance, giving her a wave over his shoulder. If she tried to button up the jacket and vest, she would find that not only was it fully buttoned, but that her bra was unlatched.