-[Legions End, Briefing room, Paylia IV Space port Docking bay 17:00 local time]- With the entire crew gathered Jason stood at the head of the briefing table getting ready to start going over the mission. "Alright everyone, our mission today is simple, we have four targets to eliminate they are known as the "Four Horsemen" and lead a gang called "Rapture" apparently they are trying to play at some religious cult that originated on Earth. But anyway, this Rapture group is absorbing each and every gang on the planet and it is getting to much for the local government to handle. Seeing this Rapture group as a threat the SSA has hired us to move in and cut the heads off of this snake. We have four targets and will be payed for each confirmed kill." Jason explained. "Now out targets are the following, [url=http://media.animevice.com/uploads/2/22528/482202-guilty_crown___03___large_35.jpg]Death[/url] is the chemist of the Four Horsemen. Death is Rapture's dealer of dangerous narcotics and powerful steroids and is responsible for many deaths during his drug's refinement process. [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f6/Ghost_in_the_Shell_Stand_Alone_Complex_Batou.png]Famine[/url] is the head behind the extortion and government corruption that is done by Rapture. Famine's tight grip is bleeding the planet's civilians dry as well as pulling funding from the planetary security. [url==http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/063/3/7/deadman_wonderland_crow_by_wbnightmare-d4rrag0.jpg]War[/url] is the muscle behind Rapture. An ex-Black-ops operative who now trains and equips the ground soldiers of Rapture. They now easily overpower the local piece keepers and are on their way to controlling the planet. [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130523184101/evangelion/images/1/13/Gendo_Ikari_after_14_years_(Rebuild).png]Conquest[/url] is the mastermind behind Rapture, aside from being the true leader of Rapture he is also leads not only the planet, but the entire sectors human trafficking ring. Above all else Conquest is our primary target because with his death the others will fall apart in a power struggle." He listed the targets, and as he did their pictures came up as a hologram on the table. Once the targets were listed Jason stood there for a bit waiting for any comments from the team. "Alright so lets get down to business, Our sources say that the Four Horsemen are set to have a meeting here," He said as a skyscraper appeared on the holo table, "This is the Lucky Devil Casino. It is owned by Conquest and is used as their central base of power. The top 15 floors are bared off from guests and that is where most of their business is preformed. Our sources say that the Four Horsemen will be having a meeting somewhere in these 15 floors tonight. This is our best shot to get all four of these guys in one sweep so we are going to take our chances and hit them tonight." he explained before going into the details of the mission. "So in order to get rid of these bastards we will be splitting into two teams. The first team will be in charge of infiltration. The infiltration team's job will be to find the buildings Security room and plant Genesis' new toy that will allow Chimera to hack into almost every system in the Casino. From there Chimera will locate the Four Horsemen. From there the Infiltration team will retreat to the parking garage and wait for further orders. Once the Four Horsemen are located team two, the Assault team will launch their attack. The Assault team will be air dropped onto the roof of the Casino, from their they will clear off the roof and head down to the Horseman's position eliminating any enemy combatants in the way. If needed the Infiltration team will reenter the casino and assist the Assault team. Now I won't accept any civilian casualties in this mission so if the fight comes down to the public areas watch your shots." Jason said before making his way to an open chair, "Now with all that done, are there any questions before Chimera gives out your assignments?" He asked while sitting down.