First name:Eris Last name:Richards Alias:Reversed Chaos Power:She has the ability to make anything to their opposite counterpart such as flipping things upside down or turning fire into water but she can't change a persons gender or personality. Hero or villain:Villain Age:17 Appearance:She is 5'10,130 pounds,has short black hair with a blue streak on her bangs and has green eyes that turn red and pupils turn into downward arrows when she uses her powers. Costume:She never cared about costumes. Personality:Eris is lazy and kind of arrogant.Once in a while she likes to tease someone and uses lies to get away with things.She dislikes positive people and prefers negative people. Bio:She was born into a rich family and she hated that she was rich.When she was four her powers started showing and her parents slowly started fearing and disowning.The reason they never abandoned her is to keep their family's reputation her.They homeschooled her until she was ten and she went to private school.When she was in private school she would occasionally terrify or tease someone with her powers making her one of the most hated people there.She never cared that she was hated,she loved being hated.Soon her parents started disowning her when they figured that she isn't human though she never cared about that.She still lives with them and soon received a letter about a school for people like her.