[center][img]http://i57.tinypic.com/wtddhz.jpg[/img][/center] It was fun, spending time on the ship with the others. Danny passed the time she wasn't checking their course chatting with the crew, sharing a couple drinks with Luro. The liquid was groowing on her, slowly but surely. Whatever the case, the navagator enjoyed listening to his drunken rambles. Luro could and would change between topics faster than Danny could register them. Danny grew excited when she realized they would be getting closer to the island. She kept glancing off to the horizon, only to see nothing but water. Growing impatient, she dropped down the the bookroom, recatorgrizing the maps to pass the time. She had just finished when Runali declared they were approaching the tourist island. Running up on deck, Danny jumped around in excitement, waiting impatiently to arrive. Once docked and Luro ran off with Nolan, Danny followed suit and got off the ship with her bag, looking back to the captain and ray. "What do you say, shall we go take a look? Be tourists in a town of them?" She grinned, continuing to walk. She had a mission for coloured ink. If the other two joined her or not was up to them.