Name: Selene Gender: Female Warframe: Valkyr Appearance: [img][/img] Primary Weapon (If any): Gorgon Wraith Secondary Weapon (If any): Twin Gremlins Melee Weapon (If any): Kogake Sentinel (If any): Sweeper Personality: Naive and childish due to the trauma of torture from Alad V. Selene enjoys taking risks, is noisy, and loves to wrestle, or do any kind of fighting in close-quarters. She isn't a very careful person, and usually jumps straight into things without thinking them over, and has very little patience in regards to planning. She hates fighting on planets, usually finding something to complain about while she is on one. Selene looks up to most Prime users, seeing them as the elder children of the Tenno family, although she doesn't trust Ember Prime users, but never specifies why. Like most other Valkyrs, she has a reigned-in volcano of rage, which is hard to control once let loose, and occasionally, Selene becomes blind on who is enemy and who is friend while in Hysteria. Faction Preference (If any): Infested