Vanessa, or Mare, listened attentively as Ace debriefed the group on the latest development. She sat towards the middle of the large table, fiddling with the ends of her hair-a nervous habit of hers that she was desperately trying to get rid of. [i]I should really stop doing that,[/i] she mused. [i]I'll get it cut off later.[/i] She silently admonished herself for getting so distracted while Ace was talking. She looked back towards the front at the holograms that sprang to life, studying the Four Horsemen. As her other team members asked questions, she leaned back against her chair, her eyes flitting around the room, taking in the other people. Though she was a new member of the team, it hadn't taken her long to memorize their names and match it with faces. She'd always known that she had an uncanny knack for memorizing useless information. When Ogre asked his last question, she spoke. "Yes, I have that same question. Who are in the teams?"