Garbed in simple red robes and a hood-like headress, Acacia sat opposite Mare at the table. Her long red hair was neatly combed and maintained and she wore scarlet red lipstick, her appearance only reinforced the fact that she was basically a nun. Although nuns in her religion are radically different than in traditional old cultures. On the back of her robes and on her silver pendant the symbol of a rose was proudly displayed. If the people of her homeworld or anyone currently a follower of the Order of the Rose saw her dressed the way she is, they would probably kill her. Years ago she was branded a heretic and excommunicated. What they say is true, you either die pious or live long enough to see yourself become a heretic. Acacia was not pleased with working for the SSA, but taking down the Rapture groups takes precedent over her grudge against the SSA. Other than that the mission was right up her ally: a group of heathens conveniently gathered in one building ready to be purged. Her first reaction was to destroy the entire building, place explosives throughout the structure and let gravity do the rest. Unfortunately Ace thought there would be civilians in the building, making the mission much more complicated and difficult.