Here it is [hider=General Info and Location] Name:The Lance Union Capital System:The Alas Prime System. Dominant Species: Lancians Client Species: Irikav, Kzukix Direction From Galactic Core: Anywhere North, doesn't matter to me. However I would like them a distance aways from anybody else, to the point where they should be isolated and not have meant anyone yet. [/hider] [hider=Politics, Power & Economy] Head Of State:The Grand Council Head Of Government:The Grand Council Government Type/Operation/Description: The status of a person within the Lance Union has to do with two things, intelligence, and service to the Lance Union as a whole. The Grand Council serves as both the head of state and head of government, making most major decisions for the Union. The Government and the union also operates on the basis of the "Greater Good". This means that people are expected to act for the Union as a whole. Propaganda and indoctrination methods are also used to make sure everyone stays to the idea of the greater good, and often is hard for someone from the Lance Union to adapt to other cultures due to this indoctrination. The Lance Union's government also might be described as totalitarian, as the greater good doctrine is often used a excuse to spy on people. Micro-chipping is mandatory for everyone, and is used to track and keep watch on every citizen. There is also no normal trial system, as the police act as judge, jury, and executioner. Also on a last note religion and worship is strictly outlawed, and anyone found practicing it is sent for "re-education". Economic System/Prosperity: The Lance Union does not possess a normal economic system. Resources and industry is all controlled by the Government. In place of normal currency, citizens are issued points for there work, which can be exchanged for food and other items. The Government tends to keep currency from there closet neighbors on hand however, when doing trading. Empire Size: (Population estimate) 200-500 billion Empire Power: Major Regional Power – Dominant Influence in a region Type Of Power: Science is a number one priority. Military is also a major focus. Industry is also a major focus, but below science and military. [/hider] [hider=Lancians] Average Lifespan:500 years Physical Characteristics:Lancians are tall, and there body colors can vary widely. They can be blue, red, green, or purple. Due to this there are some other species that actually refer to them as the rainbow race. There hair tends to be short, or non-existent, but when a Lancian does have hair it is either black, gray, or white. Lancians are very frail, with the strongest not even reaching average human strength. To make up for this they are extremely intelligent, which allows them to advance at a faster rate then other species. Lancians also are less capable of reproduction, so there population growth tends to be a lot slower. Abilities:As mentioned above Lancians are extremely intelligent, and usually think of situations logically. They are like other species still subject to there emotions, but less so. Lancians are also a species of psionics, a ability based on there intelligence and willpower. However unlike other psionics, the Lancians psionics is based of energy. Energy in the body is needed to cast psionics, and energy can be moved around or absorbed into the body. The Lancians can store more energy in there bodies and there bodies use it more efficiently. This also means psionics can be used to do more then just shoot bolts of blue energy or mind control, examples include creating fire or with enough energy wounds can be healed. Religion:The Lancians have no religion. Do to there logic and extreme intelligence they see it as illogical, and often refer to nations and species that still possess it or actively endorse it as primitive. There was thought to be a belief system at one point, but it was likely squashed early on in the Lancians history. Culture:The center of Lance culture and a dominate influence in it is the idea of the Greater Good. The idea of the Greater Good is that the individual should work for the the good of the group as a whole, rather then work for themselves. This idea is enforced throughout childhood and well into adulthood, resulting in a heavily indoctrinated society. The Lancians also heavily believe in the ideals of unity and peace, however individual freedom is often looked down upon, as it is thought to be counteractive to the greater good. Despite them believing in peace, they aren't afraid to go to war, and have the habit of using weapons other species would never think to use during war, such as biological and chemical weapons, or weapons capable of devastating vast swaths of planets. Another important aspect of Lancian culture is using logic to reason through everything, and taking a the long term solution rather then short term ones. History: The Lancians grew up the world on of Alas Prime. They advanced quite faster then most other species did, quickly involving from a tribal society to more organized nations. While they did lack strength there psionics gave them a advantage, allowing them to fight from afar, or bring food to them. While the idea of the greater good did prevail through almost all Lancians during there modern and industrial eras, although the nations were often at constant war, fighting over who should lead all the Lancians towards the greater good. It was however the Lance Union, a union of several smaller unions that united into one that rose in power above all other nations. They marched over them, and it wasn't long before it was obvious they would be the ones to unite the planet into one. They were responsible for the current system of government where intelligence and service were what allowed one to advance. The Lancians, after having been united under one banner begin a quick ascended into the space age, and it wasn't long before they were exploring other systems and colonizing them. They sought to spread the Greater good and unite many other species under one ideology, that of the greater good. It wasn't long before they discovered the Kzukix, a minor species still trapped on there world and in a constant state of war between each other. They were a large and strong species, but they were brutish and lacked intelligence. The Lancians decided the Kzukix would be a perfect target to begin there goal of united the galaxy under the Greater good, and invaded the planet en mass. It was also of note that not very many Lancians landed on the planet, instead preferring to use robotic forces. The Lancians crushed the Kzukix easily, there superior technology and robots easily laying waste to the Kzukix. Using Psionics, propaganda, and a method they refereed to as "re-education", the Lancians began rapidly spreading the Greater good to the Kzukix and squashed there religious beliefs. They use the Kzukix as a main stay of there forces, they did this by turning them into what they called synths, horrible creations of both genetic and cybernetic engineering. It was a few years after the met the Kzukix that they met the Irakiv. Due to the fact that the Irakiv weren't as warring as the Kzukix, diplomacy was used a method to try to augment them into the Union, however while the idea of the greater good did appeal to a few Irakiv, mainly atheists and agnostics, religion was a important part of the Irakiv culture, so they refused. Following there refusal the Lancians committed to a invasion of the Irakiv home world, backed by a few loyal Irakiv. The Lancians had to use weapons and methods they did not use on the Kzukix, do to the fact that the Irakiv had more advanced weapons and defenses then that of the Kzukix. The invasion of the Irakiv home world was the first recorded instance of the Lancians using biological and chemical warfare in combat, with the exception of instances on there home world before they ascended into space. It was also one of the instances were the Lancians mass murdered civilians. On a demonstration to the Irakiv government they used a anti-matter bomb on a major city, destroying it completely and many smaller cities nearby. The Irakiv finally submitted after this, not wanting further bloodshed. The victory was paraded by forces through every major city on Irakiva, the Irakiv home world. The same methods were used to indoctrinate the Kzukix were used on the Irakiv, and instances were chemical and biological weapons were used on the Irakiv during the invasion are heavily censored or removed from history lessons completely. The use of the anti-matter bomb was also completely forgotten, and the site where it was dropped it strictly off limits. The Lancians began spreading out, seeking to become a dominate influence in there region. They believe themselves to be the only space-faring nation in the galaxy, as due to there location within the A-1 Galaxy(the name given to the Milky way by the Lancians) they are isolated from most others. [/hider] [hider=Irakiv] Average Lifespan:90 years Physical Characteristics: Irakiv are your average humanoids. There strength is around human average, with a 2in taller average height. Irakiv are mostly gray-skinned, with a few rare white-skinned ones. There hair is always darker colors, and there eyes can be any color in the spectrum. They tend to have slightly skinnier builds as well as more rounded and pudgy faces. Abilities: What makes the Irakiv unique is there ability to lie and deceive, and there out of the box thinking. The Irakiv are good at crafting fake personalities and weaving intricate webs of lies to hide what they are doing. For this reason they often act as spies and agents of the union gathering information on targets or weakening a target using bombs, or other methods such as biological and chemical weapons. They are also very persuasive, and are used in cases where Lancians do not want to use psionics to rip apart a potentially valuable target's mind. Religion: The Irakiv, being under the union, don't have a religion, however prior to there asborbition into the union they had many gods similar to that of the romans and greeks early in human history. These gods would represent various aspects, such as water, or war. The Irakiv would make sacrifices or prayers in the name of these gods when doing activities related to them, in hopes to boost there success in those activities. Culture:The Irakiv culture has been heavily modified since there inclusion into the Lance Union has to get on the track of the Greater Good, but parts of it were still kept when they became apart of the Union. Irakiv culture focuses on honor and trust, mainly due to there amazing ability to lie. The Irakiv culture also focused on the ideas of creativity and art, often making the Irakiv some of the greatest painters, writers, actors, and musicians. This particular part of there culture was not squashed when they joined the Lance Union, but the state does heavily monitor anyone who takes part in those activities, to make sure there work isn't counter-productive to state propaganda, or rebellious to Lancian ideals and the greater good. History: The Irakiv developed on there home world of Irakiva. There pace of development is comparable to that of say humanity, however during certain parts of there history, most notably during the industrial eras and medieval era there tendency to use deception and lies and there amazing ability at those slowed progress. The Irakiv's amazing abilities at the arts developed during the later years of there industrial era. The later era was seeing more a focus on peace and trust, and several writers, artists, actors, and musicians focused there works on inspiring others and encouraging the arts as a method of expression. Most Irakiv could be considered proficient at least one type of art, whether it be music, writing, drawing and painting, or acting. Due to this there was often a much higher minimum standard for the quality of various pieces of art. It was when the Irakiv entered the modern age that cooperation and trust became important. Before the Lancians had found the Irakiv had established there version of the UN, as well as several international organizations that cooperated on various fields. After the Irakiv were conquered the ones loyal to the Lancians right after there conquering were used as agents to spread Lancian ideals. The Irakiv also could be considered the right hand men of the Lancians, due to there tendency to act as agents and spies of the Lancians. [/hider] [hider=Kzukix] Average Lifespan:50 years Physical Characteristics: Most Kzukix stand at 6ft or 7ft. They are extremely strong and always have bulky builds, however they do lack intelligence, with even the smartest Kzukix barely reaching above what would be considered above average for a human. Kzukix are hairless, despite a unusually large amount of chest hair, which is either brown or black. The Kzukix refer to themselves as the the Earthen peoples, as they are always a shade or tone of brown, black, or green. Abilities: The Kzukix do not possess any unique abilities beyond there great strength, but they make excellent farmers. 40% of all Lance Union food production comes from farms manned by Kzukix. Religion: Again, being in the Lance Union the Kzukix lack any form of religion, but prior to them being absorbed they attributed most accounts that were out of the usual to spirits. Culture: Kzukix culture is very war-like. The idea of gaining honor through combat was very prevalent, and a male Kzukix would have to prove himself in combat before he could gain a mate. This was mostly squashed upon the Kzukix's entry into the Union, however the idea of honor through combat was kept, but it was instead directed at the idea of gaining honor through defeating the Union's enemies. History: The Kzukix grew up on a mostly desert planet, with a few scattered oasises where vast amounts of food could be grown. Do to the Kzukix's already violent nature, there strength, and the need to secure the oasises for the survival of there tribe or nation, Kzukix history is often covered in blood. When the Lancians found the Kzukix they had yet to even ascend to the start of a industrial era, with gun-powder weapons only recently being developed. The Lancians saw the Kzukix as a easy target to conquer, as there strength would be a great asset to there military, and if they could get the barbaric Kzukix to accept the Greater Good, then the could get anyone to. The Lancian invasion of the Kzukix lasted a mere few hours.(the Lancian name for it World K-1, as the Kzukix nations and tribes never agreed on a single name to call it). Major Kzukix population centers fell within a few minutes to the robotic hordes of the Lancians, and with the planet secure, the Lancians began a major uplift of the Kzukix, heavily reforming there culture and society, as well as updating the Kzukix with new technology. It was relatively easy to reform them, and with there capture they became a valuable asset. They were used for heavy labor and became the first race to have a Synth version made. They became a main-stay of ground troopers for the Lancians. While they haven't any major significance since there inclusion into the Union beyond becoming a majority of there ground forces, a significant number did serve during the invasion of Irakivia. [/hider] [hider=Technological Overview] Anti-Matter: "In the name of the Gods tell me what the hell just happened to that city!?" -A Irakiv Soldier observing the destruction of a Major population center on Irakivia by a anti-matter bomb Anti-Matter is used for two things within the Lance Union, as power, and as weapons. The way a Lance Anti-Matter Reactor works is rather simple for the technology required for it's use. A small amount of anti-matter is placed within a chamber, then a small amount of regular matter. After the two annihilate specialized devices are then used to collect the energy from the annihilation. It is considered to be one of the more in-efficient ways of energy generation, but due to the energy one annihilation creates it does not matter. The other use, and the one that is more obvious upon encountering the Lance Union is there anti-matter bombs and missiles, missiles epically so due to there destructive power in space fights. The anti-matter is usually contained within a magnetic field at the center of the bomb or missile, and upon contact with the target, the magnetic field drops and releases the anti-matter, allowing it to annihilate with regular matter. Cybernetic Augmentation, Genetic Augmentation, and Synthesis: "NO! I WON'T! NO NO NO *screams of pain*" -Irakiv being dragged off for Synthesis then operated on. Cybernetic and Genetic augmentation are quite common throughout the Lance Union. Frequently used in military applications, and if a civilian is high enough in society the may choose to get cybernetic augmentations or genetic augments. If a civilian chooses genetic augmentation is to also note that they are sterilized, due to the adverse effects on a baby created by augment DNA. Also in cybernetic augmentation if being used on a military soldier is used. Anthesia is considered a unneeded expense in augmentation and those who join the military are considered to be able to handle the pain of such a operation. Anthesia is used in civilian operations. Also those who enter the military and choose genetic augmentation as a route are made biologically immortal, as a standard set of military-grade augments is expensive. Synthesis is the process of combining both genetic and cybernetic augmentation, creating very monstrous creatures that would not be recognizable from whatever species they were created. The process usually requires a mind wipe, as it often is a very negative and mentally destabilizing experience. Synths are also made biologically immortal, as they can be expensive. The scariest of all Synths however, are the so called Necro-Synths, these synths are not made out of a individual, rather dead biological matter is gathered then processed, and the best bits are used to from these synths. These synths lack much intelligence, and make up some of the larger units in the Lance Union. It is also of note that the Lancians use whatever dead bio-matter they can gather, which means the bodies of there enemies can be tomorrow's warriors. Quantum Tunneling: "Safe, efficient, effective, and nearly untraceable. -A Lancian Scientist Quantum Tunneling is the Lancian's main form of FTL, it involves opening two portals that are connected like a tunnel and do not regard time or distance when traveling, allowing for near instantaneous travel. Also the portal closes automatically after a ship enters it, making it nearly untraceable. However these tunnels do require pre-set coordinates, so standard Warp drives are used to scout and explore, with ships constally documented coordinates for each and every area. "Re-Education": "I WILL GLADLY FIGHT AND DIE FOR THE UNION! -Kzukix after undergoing "Re-Education" Re-Education is probably one of the scarier pieces of technology in possession of the Lance Union. Individual are inserted into a tube, full of a strange greenish liquid, a special helmet is then placed on to there head. This allows them to re-program the individual, hiding there old memories, and allowing them to give the individual entirely new personalities and memories. It is possible for a individual to see past this however, if they are intelligent enough, which only the Lancians are, or they are genetically-immune to the process, which of the entire Union there is very few, and any found capable of this are automatically executed. Plasma: "That green stuff, it just burned right through him, I don't think he will ever see the light of day again." -Irakiv Soldier after seeing his comrade hit with a tank mounted Plasma cannon. Plasma is used as the standard main weapon of the space forces and heavy vehicles on the ground, it is not used for Infantry weapons as the energy needed to maintain plasma in Infantry weapons would make the weapons to heavy for use. Plasma is super-heated gas, and is then fired. It is a bit slower then lasers, but not by much, and is a lot more effective. In place of Plasma weapons, accelerated projectiles are used by ground forces. Other Technologies: Rail-Guns(And there brother the Auto-Cannon, a weaker but automatic Rail-Gun) Accelerated Projectile Weapons(Infantry Rail-Guns) Warp Drives(Most phased out in favor of Quantum Tunneling, still used to scout) Lasers(Not found that often, only on weaker older models of ships) Holo-Projection(Used by Irakiv conducting espionage to disguise themselves) Universal Psionic Translator(A device that can rip language from a alien's mind, and make it learnable to Lancians within a few moments) [/hider] If theres any techs I forgot, there probably pretty minor and shouldn't be worried about.