Had another one today, and it was definitely a weird one. Part 1: I'm walking with a group of survivors after some sort of apocalypse. I just remember walking around with my AK with a few people I knew, and then we all came to this enormous wall that was blocking our way, and I do mean enormous. It was probably at least 50 stories tall, though we stopped at a point that was like a security control room, along with a way through the wall. So, we decided to all sit down and take a break whilst simultaneously coming up with a plan to get through, past, or over the wall. Oddly enough, it was shaped sort of like a big garage was built into the wall, but it was like an over/under deal, where the top doorway had no door, and we didn't know how to open the bottom door. Eventually, someone came up with the plan to take a piece of lumber and suspend it between these two pillars on either side of the doorways, climb up, and jump into the upper doorway, which had a platform big enough for everyone to comfortably fit on. So, we did that, and two people went before I did. When I did go however, I noticed that the lumber wasn't very stable. I looked to one side and noticed that even the most minute movements were causing it to inch away from the ledge, and it was about to collapse. There was a strong guy holding the ladder to get to the lumber, so I told him to hold the ladder while I got back on. The beam we were using fell just as soon as I was back on the ladder, and the guy holding it lowered it down a second later to let me off. After another try, however, we all managed to get onto the platform. What was on the other side looked like some sort of ancient ruin, with all of the stones being shaped like squares or rectangles. We decided to ignore it and continue along the way, but somewhere along the way, mine and some other guy's AK got switched, and I couldn't find him to trade it afterwards. Part 2: We were sat in a circle trying to investigate the death of one of our people, since we knew they were killed by a gunshot would and it was just us there. We made a few false conclusions before I saw security camera footage that showed who it was, but then that part of the dream faded away. Part 3: I was standing in a street near a four way intersection. I was in a city, though I have no clue exactly where, and everything was grayscale, but it was a weird sort of vibrant greyscale, almost like I was in a videogame. I was only really aware of two buildings; the arcade behind me, and the building in front of me. I don't really know how to describe it. It had an arcade, and it was mostly that, but there were parts of the building I hadn't seen. I went inside and saw tons of people doing things like the apocalypse had never happened. Kids were playing the arcade games, along with some adults, others were chatting about things, it basically looked like someone had opened a business and bade a safe haven... though I had the feeling I was imagining all of the people and really I was completely alone. I decided to play some of the arcade games, but as I passed by one doing the demo loop cinematic, I couldn't help but watch. The entire screen was red, until this green humanoid creature walked into the screen. It was like looking at a pixelated creepypasta version of the Hulk, but that wasn't the worst of it. As it approached the screen I noticed shots being fired towards it, and I realized that the objective was just to shoot it. After a few more seconds of seeing potshots fired at it, the loop went to a death cinematic, which basically showed the thing opening it's mouth and first eating the player's skull upwards of the jaw before proceeding to bite off their neck and part of the torso, which it's mouth gradually widened for. The third bite was of the entire torso plus one leg, and at this point the creature was more like a freaky-ass green mouth with stubby ass arms and legs. The fourth bite was, of course, the other leg. Needless to say, I was thoroughly disturbed and decided to take a walk outside for a bit. Suddenly Ed Edd (aka "Double D") and Eddy show up and decide to drag me to the arcade across the street. It seemed a lot more dead compared to the building we were just in, having very limited working electricity, but Ed and Eddy decided to go play some games that did work while Double D decided to clean some things up. I stuck with Double D. After a couple of minutes we started to get the feeling something was up, as we hadn't heard Ed and Eddy doing a whole lot for some time. We got nervous to the point that Double D accidentally broke something, but then he looked behind me and jumped a little. I turned around to see what he was looking at and guess what was standing behind me. That's right, the fucking Hulk thing! I fucking bolted as the thing started running after us. It caught up to Edd pretty quickly and he started screaming for help... and that was when the dream ended. I would like to think that it was nothing more than a cruel prank set up by Ed and Eddy, but I wasn't there for the rest so who knows.