Snoring lightly on the flight deck, Rygar was sitting on the Sepulcher, waiting for them to arrive to the school. He shown a remarkable ability to go through rehab in just two months, though the truth was just that he was a better liar than he would consider himself. So good, he could convince the doctors and himself. The reason he was sleeping right now was because he popped a few sleeping pills to fight the urge to inject again. Trading one addiction for another. At least he was having a pleasant dream however. Made up memories of what life would have been like if he was never captured. Good things, cut short when he fell off his bike. Hitting the ground Rygar quickly got to his feet and stood staggering. [b]"Da hell?!"[/b] He shouted. Some people turned towards him, but they quickly ignored him when it was apparent that he just woke up. The first thing he noticed waking up was that it was very loud. Mostly it came from everyone talking. How he managed to sleep through that (Drugs aside) was a mystery. Lots of people were already in groups and little cliches, and he wondered where he fit in. He didn't see anyone come in with their own vehicle, so he couldn't exactly start up a biker gang. He figured the next best course of action was just to lay low... A skill that Rygar had no levels in. To him, "Laying low" meant "Out of sight" and to him that means "On the ceiling. Because just as some people are afraid of looking down, there are those who are afraid of looking up. Mounting back onto Sepulcher, Rygar drove it towards a wall. But before he crashed, he popped a wheelie and activated his Semblance, allowing him to ride up the wall with Sepulcher. It was an odd sight that only a few people had the pleasure of seeing, as soon enough he was driving on not only the wall but the ceiling of the airship, defying gravity and any other laws that would have been abide in any other world. He drove upside-down around the flight area, just looking for people to "Hang out" with. He eventually settled down with a girl who seemed to be meditating; whether she knew he was there or not, he wasn't sure. Additionally, he felt oddly... Drained around her. Like he was loosing his grip on both reality and his ability to maintain attached to the ceiling. This excited him as he sat above the girl, wondering how long it would take before he would fall.