[Hider= "You will either find my broken corpse on the path to my goal or I will achieve the 'impossible', there are no other outcomes."] Name: Adam Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: [URL=Adam][IMG]http://i533.photobucket.com/albums/ee331/darktimeline/fegcart03_zps0a315728.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Personality: Adam is a blunt and to the point kind of person. He says what he thinks rarely caring about how the other person might feel about it. He is also appears introverted always buried in books or class work, thus he can seem standoffish and cold. He seems arrogant and full of himself as he is quick to correct people or point out flaws in their work. Lastly he is stubborn and driven to the point of near obsession, leading him to be seen as impatient and reckless. None of these are quite the case however, he is blunt because he doesn't want to waste time, he acts the introvert because he knows his goal is so very far away and he got started so very late, he seems arrogant but only wants to test his knowledge against itself using anything he can as a bounce pad. He appears reckless but he is very aware of just how much he can take and is willing to risk short term harm to further his long term studies. He has turned his dream to a goal and made it his life work to achieve it, every day he spends not getting closer to that goal is one more day that proves his father right. He is quick to dismiss those that look down upon his goal, and quicker to lash out at those that try to impede it. Abilities: From his childhood he acquired the skills of a con-man and a pickpocket, leaving him with a good insight to people and better eyes then most, his six month journey sharpened his wits and intelligence and his willingness to push himself to just before deaths door has given rise to a frightening endurance. During the early years of his studies he discovered an innate talent to sense the magic around and within and has proved a valuable asset in analyzing and studying magic. His skills in magic are as well rounded as he can possibly make them skilled in every aspect that he has been taught without a hard preference for any one kind and a thorough understanding of the theory about all the different practiced arts. His studious nature and willingness to pay for knowledge with his own health have hobbled him however, he is no longer as fit as he once was and lacks the grace and subtly he once had in his movements his hands still retain their dexterity everything else is a shadow of his prior life. Studying: The short answer: Yes. The long answer: Adam is studying all of it, every class on magic every kind of magic, every course on magic. He is enrolled in them all, as well as a few of the non-magic classes such as sketching and music to keep himself busy for when he can’t practice due to injuries that are still present. Many people view him as crazy due to how much work he takes on at once, even more so when they learn it was his own choice. Interests: Cooking. Magic. Anatomy. Magic. Playing the Violin. Magic. Sketching, mostly landscapes. Magic. Astronomy. Magic. Learning. Have I mentioned Magic yet? Dislikes: Weakness, be in in himself or others. Being interrupted while playing his violin or when studying. Sleep. How fragile his body seems. The fact that he has to stop studying to eat. Bringing up the past. Biography: Adam wouldn't be able to tell you what the name of the place he grew up was, for even if he knew it once upon a time he has since discarded that information in his pursuit of what everyone says is nothing but a childish dream, a hopeless goal founded on nothing but unsubstantiated theory. He isn’t native to this part of Lismos he grew up in one of the hundreds of identical city slums that exist, for his entire life he has been taught that to get anywhere you have to be worth something, from hearing this said while his drunken father raged at him while home, hearing his sickly mother wistfully hope for the better and curse her lot in life when she didn't know he was there, the other street rats he would roam with, to the guards that would chase after him. It all served to hammer in that only those that are worth anything move up in life. So he has always strived to be something, anything, as long as it served to prove his worth to himself or to others. So he would learn everything he could, he taught himself how to read and write, how to fight or hide, to lie and steal, how to survive and meet his goals whatever they may be. For a long time it looked as if Adam would be nothing other than a criminal when he grew older, his reputation as a thief well known and Adam himself was slowly starting to realize this and it was severing only to frustrate him, because criminals as they are only slightly better than street trash, unless they run a criminal organization. So he came to a cross roads in his life, fully embrace the underworld and try to work his way in to a higher standing, try to use his understanding of that underworld and try to work for the guards or something else. So at the young age of 13 while Adam was struggling to define his lot in life, the key to a different life dropped in to his lap. It was a quiet night, the guards had dropped him off at home, again, his parents was asleep and Adam was up looking at the stars wrestling with what he was going to be doing with his life when it had happened. He had closed his eyes for just a moment, but when he opened them he found himself standing amongst the stars themselves floating far, far, above the his home. For reasons he still can’t recall he struck out at his house and watched as it shattered in to dust and remolded it’s self in to a grand castle. He wandered through the city he lived in shattering and remaking as he saw fit. He made himself king, eat only the most luxurious and exotic foods, wore the finest silks, and chose who lived and who died. Then as he sat upon a golden throne will everyone he knew bowing down to him in awe he felt frustrated once more, surely with this power he could do more right? At that he felt everything just fade away and he was left with just a blank void but with a wave of his hand that void was filled with everything that could be and anything that he wanted it to be, he stopped looked at his hands, scared and dirt covered, but within held the powers of a God. Who could deny his worth now? He woke with a start drenched in sweat a million things raced through his head as he looked around. He noted absent mindedly the sun was rising before looking back at his hands with a grimace, it was only a dream. Furious he slammed his hand in to the roof he had ended up sleeping on, only to recoil as it encased in ice and shattered at his next touch, once again he found himself staring at his hands. This, this held the answer he had been seeking last night, but he needed answers but for now he had hope and a goal, make that dream a reality, by any means needed. After that incident it didn't take him long to learn what he had done and within a week he had left his old life behind him abandoning his family taking with him only the clothes off his back and whatever money and supplies he could scrounge up or steal before he left, he even changed his name so his history wouldn't catch up to him, this was a chance he wasn't going to mess up. Despite, or maybe because of, his hasty start it took him nearly half a year to reach Aledine Academy but he found it, and even when he was starved and worn ragged form the travels the first thing he said as he stumbled in was "Teach me" Since that day he has thrown himself completely and relentlessly in to his studies working three or four times harder than those in the same grade as him to make up for his late start, he often goes nights without sleep and is a common face in the Hall of Healers due to his willingness to press himself to the absolute limit his body will let him walk away alive with. When not in class he spends his time either in any of the libraries on the school grounds, or actively practicing magic, thought the where depends on the magic. Unless he is still healing then he is playing his violin in his room or sketching somewhere on the school grounds. Equipment: The only thing of note that Adam has is an old knife that he took with him at the start of his journey. It serves as a reminder both to what he hopes to accomplish and from where he came. Extra Information: Adam is fairly well known, despite his insular tendencies, due his borderline insane and unhealthy work ethic. Many rumors float around about him, his reasons and his practices, but he does his best to just ignore all of it. Many view him as obsessed and some worry for his sanity and safety. [/Hider] Well I always love it when I just start typing and when I look at the clock next it has been two hours. Let me know what you think, opinions, thoughts, comments, issues I'm open to them all ____________________________________ Got tired of recording the games. Sorry if you were interested.