Am I too late for this party!!!! I have been inactive for the last two days, I hope you guys didn't forget about me... *lip quiver* I never knew Paradigm was a girl... o.o I disappoint myself so much, I should really stop assuming things... with the Cara always saying 'Jay' and you having quite the nice and polite demeanour I just thought you were a gentleman of epic proportions... I apologize [quote=Prophecy] I don't know what time zone you're in... so I'll wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY now so that I can't possibly miss it! *Hands balloons**hands cake* *Hands explosives"Wait no... they're mine...*Takes back explosives* [/quote] Can I have some explosives? preferably a stick of D-No-Me-Tay... err... I mean Dynamite