[url=http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page#.VAHJD_ldW30]40k wiki[/url] [i]"The Spinward Front is an Imperial warzone encompassing dozens of star systems that have been consumed by conflict between diametrically opposed human and xenos factions. It is centred on a sub-sector of the Calixis Sector in the Segmentum Obscurus called the Periphery. The bulk of the Spinward Front warzone is “off the map” in unexplored regions of the Calixis Sector. It encompasses a region that lies directly in the path of a massive Ork invasion, a region also plagued by traitorous secession and other alien and Chaos incursions. The battlefields of the Spinward Front are many and varied, and offer as many opportunities for glory as they do ways to die. Only the strongest will rise to take command of the Emperor’s armies in such a place, the weak falling prey to Orks, rebels, Dark Eldar, or even the dread forces of the Ruinous Powers."[/i] Welcome Captain to the 45th Fleet of the Imperial Navy.You have been tasked with operations on the Spinward front to quell the rebels, known as the Severan Dominate and thus with the rest of the 45th have gone through the warp to mass at Halmen Reach to begin a crucial Imperial offensive to take over then Tenax sub-sector currently controlled by Dominate forces. Of course, you also have land forces, You will also control these regiments to keep things from getting stale. Vessels of the Imperial Navy in the Spinward Front. Battleships-Unplayable. Battleships are huge vessels, with colossal amounts of weapons and shields, and usually serve as the flagship for the Admiral of the Fleet, though this is not always necessarily the case. Although very powerful, battleships are very slow to manoeuvre and cannot react quickly to enemies that rapidly change course. Imperial battleships can have crews of anywhere between 25,000 to 3,000,000 or more depending on sources, including large numbers of Imperial Navy armsmen to defend against enemy boarding assaults. Battleships can be up to 8 kilometres from prow to stern and displace billions of tons. Because they represent such a vast expenditure of resources and require a fairly advanced technical base, these are typically constructed only in the largest shipyards above the major Adeptus Mechanicus Forge Worlds. These vessels are precious assets and are carefully husbanded, usually employed in only larger fleet formations. There are various classes of Imperial Battleship, but the Emperor and more recent Retribution are by far the most common in the Imperial Navy. Cruisers-Playable. Cruisers are the ship-of-the-line of the Imperial Navy meaning they are the backbone of the Imperial Navy. Most of us will use Cruisers. -Battle Cruisers --Battlecruisers are based on a hull-design that is similar to the regular Cruisers, though Battle Cruisers are generally somewhat larger and more heavily armed, incorporating more advanced power distribution systems capable of supporting battleship-grade weaponry in a cruiser hull. ---Classes. ----Armageddon-Class, a modified Lunar Cruiser hull and is the most common of the Battlecruisers along with the Overlord-Class. ----Mars-Class, The Mars-Class is a fleet carrier and long range patrol ship. It excels at neither through. ----Overlord-Class-The most common battlecruiser next to the Armageddon. Cruisers-The standard ships of the Imperial Navy. -Classes. --The Dictator class cruiser is a rebuilt Lunar Class Cruiser, with the lance decks rebuilt into flight decks for attack craft. The Dictator retains the Lunar's weapons batteries and torpedo capabilities, as well as the armoured prow. The shield, turret, and engines also remain unchanged. ---The Dominator-class was originally designed as a long range support vessel, using its massive Nova Cannon from behind fleet battle lines. In this function, however, it never really excelled and only gained a handful of victories to its name. It was never truly appreciated by its crew(s) until the start of the Gothic War. In a particular battle, a single Dominator, the Hammer of Justice, found itself between two Chaos cruisers. The Dominator's true role was found that day when the Hammer of Justice gave both of its rivals a full broadside assault, crippling them in a matter of seconds. ---The Gothic Class Cruiser is a common sight amongst the battlefleets of the Imperium, second only to the Lunar Class Cruiser. Its usage is similar to that of the Apocalypse Class Battleship in that it is designed to use its lances to directly damage a ship, rather than to cut through shields. Due to this, it is often paired with a Lunar Class or Dominator Class Cruiser. The second cruiser blasts down the shields, leaving the hull unguarded against the Gothic's lance decks. However, if caught alone, without support, the Gothic is more vulnerable than any of the other cruisers in the Imperial Navy. This is because, whilst lances are devastatingly powerful, they are also slow, and a lone Gothic cannot deal the damage fast enough to force an attacker to withdraw. ---The Lunar Class Cruiser is the mainstay of the Imperial Navy. It is a good all-around ship, having reasonable lance and weapon battery armament, and a fair torpedo capability. This versatility is the factor that has won the ship its position as the Imperial warship of choice. Whilst the Lunar doesn't have the range of larger ships, it can hold its own at medium to short ranges. It also possesses enough shielding and armour to enable it to get to the range of its weapons relatively unscathed. Usually cruisers operate in pairs, and the Lunar is no exception, as it allows twice the firepower to be brought against the enemy, whilst forcing them to halve their reply. The standard tactic with the Lunar class is to fire the torpedoes whilst closing with the enemy. This will cause some disruption as the enemy attempts to manoeuvre away from the torpedoes. This disruption will hamper attempts to fire upon the pair of cruisers, and they will get within range, and turn their broadsides to face the enemy. From here, they will fire volley after volley into the enemy while circling at full speed. ---The Tyrant class cruiser. In the 39th Millennium the Tyrant class was popular, due to its superior range over other cruiser classes. It was theorised that the Tyrant would be able to deliver both long range fire, and short range fire, of the same power. However, it soon was realised that the long range fire was not much of a threat to anything bigger than an escort, and the class fell out of favour. The Tyrant is as well protected as any Imperial cruiser, with reasonable shield and turret protection, as well as the classic armoured prow. It has no lances, but both long and shorter range weapons batterys. It also boasts enough torpedoes to cripple a cruiser if a full strength volley were to hit. Dominate Ships. Chalice-Class Battlecruiser-A experimental battlecruiser, the Chalice was all but abandoned by the Imperial Navy and was being scrapped. The Dominate managed to capture the survivors through, ten Chalices at the Raid at Cetrax. Two of the Chalices are now under the command of the elite 78th “Hounds” Fleet which is defending the Homax System from the 3rd Imperial Fleet. The Dominate is currently looking to produce the Chalice. Overlord-Class Battle Cruiser-The Overlord is a rare sight in Dominate hands with only a few hundred in Dominate service. Production is also slow as only a two forge worlds are capable of producing the Overlord. Lunar-Class Cruiser-The Lunar Class Cruiser makes the bulk of the Dominate fleet. There is estimated to be at least four thousand Lunar-Class cruisers in Dominate service. The Lunar is produced by Dominate held forge worlds capable of it, so about twenty worlds are producing Lunar’s. Defender-Class Light Cruiser-The Defender is the most common warship in Dominate service with seven thousand estimated to be Dominate service the Defender is produced by Dominate held forge worlds at a reasonable rate. Claymore-Class Corvette. Sword-Class Frigate. Firestorm-Class Frigate. Cobra-Class Destroyer. Viper-Class Destroyer. Q-Ships-Used to protect supply convoys. Armed Freighter-Used by supply convoys. The Severan Dominate Trooper. -The trooper is the backbone of the Severan armed forces. Mostly deserters and defectors of the Imperial military the Trooper is a well trained foe that can hold his own against his Imperial Guard counterparts. The Dominate Trooper wears lighter armor than the Imperial Guardsmen and wields a Galaxy pattern lasgun. Dominate Stormtrooper -The Dominate Stormtrooper forms the special forces of the Dominate armed forces. While few are former Tempetus Scion the Dominate Stormtrooper is still a dangerous foe armed with the deadly Ryza Pattern Hellgun. Tentrax Main Battle Tank -The Tentrax Main Battle Tank forms the bulk of the Dominate armored corps due to Leman Russ’s coming in short supply as the Spinward front grows more and more costly. The Tentrax is inferior to the Leman Russ, armed with a 115mm Battle Cannon and having lighter armor. Leman Russ. -The Leman Russ and it’s variants form the elite tank units of the Dominate. Dominate equipment. Disposable Launcher-The Disposable Launcher is a 95mm Missile Launcher that fires Rocket-Propelled Frag and Krak missiles. It only has one shot and is not very effective against Imperial tanks so it is used by Dominate troopers as a grenadier weapon. Achillan Mk III "Tread Fether" Missile Tube-The Achillan Mk III is a lightweight 105mm missile launcher favored by Dominate troopers as their main man-portable AT weapon.. Galaxy-Pattern Lasgun-Standard issue rifle. Godwyn Pattern Heavy Bolter-Standard HMG. Othlack Pattern Heavy Stubber-Standard GPMG. Rules-No godmodding. Since battleships would be OP and I want to keep them as NPC’s, you cannot have a battleship. Yes your ship can be destroyed and your character killed. Have fun. All site rules apply Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Ship Name- Ship Class- Guard Regiments on board- Equipment: Bio: