[b] Matt-Outpost-Myriah [/b] "Tsk..." Matt lowered the book he was reading, a sharp smirk that had he had been unable to remove for the last few hours was on his face. "Well...I don't know how exactly you know this, but..." Matt walked towards her. "You aren't really important anymore, like you said...You apparently can't say anything. Which is good, plus...No one would believe you probably. Too much proof" Matt looked at her with amusement. "Plus, you'll be phased out of the council...along with anyone else who wasn't stupid enough to believe this bullshit. People like you...But they like me more...Problems of the public. Also, I have the support of everyone else...this is a shame for you surely." Matt looked around for a second. "Poor Reggie am I right? He was a good man, in a way. Stopped the mutiny attempt. Sadly I was.....Well, I don't frankly remember. And to be Honest...Thomas is like Reggie...Except a bit more to my....liking" Matt wondered if it was worth killing her at this moment. There was no need, and She wasn't annoying. Plus, She didn't seem to be be bluffing, and Matt certainly wasn't. "You know, we had the same Ideals...Well....somewhat, but...I guess. It was just the fact I could do it....ah well, I guess...This is it then. Bye..." [b] Rob-Haywood-EVERYONE IS SCREAMING AAAH [/b] It happened too fast for Rob, But....perhaps it wasn't surprising. Things were always going so wrong lately. and...Rob...Well, He passed out. He didn't know why, but all he saw was the fact that he was on the ground. And he could hear people shouting, and screaming. "The fuck?" Rob staggered up. He seemed to be in a room. He...was....doing something. Rob was so confused, well....he was more confused when he realized there was a woman seemingly giving birth in the room...he was more confused. "The fuck?" It was at that moment that Rob realized why he passed out, he was bleeding...rather badly. But, this was not the time to say anything. But...something else was missing. Rob, rather quietly over the woman. That was...strange, but his heart plummeted when he saw him. "No..." Well, it wasn't really a surprise that Tyler was alive, but...what he saw was a bit fucked up. Katie was crying herself next to...well, Lauren's...rather, wounded body. Rob sighed, but...Well shit. He didn't know what the fuck was going on. Well he had the jist, but in all likely hood he probably couldn't do that much. He could try not to die, that was a good start. And, most likely try to stop Katie from falling into's Tyler's hands. But, right now she...Katie seemed to be busy. Of course, His vision started to blur. "No....." [b] Aoife-Haywood-Many people [/b] Aoife had begrudging went to attack this other gang group, While Reggie had some misguided views, he was a good man. And It felt weird How Reggie died. She didn't...want to believe the fact that Reggie was behind the Mutiny....it made no sense, but everyone seemed to suck it up. she didn't exactly trust Thomas. But, seemingly as everyone else seemed to do...She had no choice. But, this had truly shown...something. Thomas was apparently called Tyler, and he seemed to know some people in this....bandit group. But, this wasn't even a bandit group. They seemed, quite defenseless. They just seemed to be innocent people. "This is wrong...."