Genesis surveyed his crewmates as they arrived at the briefing table, dark eyes tracking each one as they took a seat. As per the usual, he had arrived before most of the others and sat silently, one knee drawn up to his chest, his hands clasped around it. He was clad in his charcoal-coloured armor, leaving only his hands and his head exposed. Isabella, his sniper rifle, leaned against his chair. Giving a slight nod of acknowledgement to the others as they sat, Genesis nudged a device further onto the long metallic table. Jason had asked him to bring it, though he had not yet learned exactly why - but he could guess. It was a project he had been working on for some time now, using free moments here and there until he had developed an curious little gadget. He had never been a strong programmer, he was not overly adept when it came to hacking or manually overriding systems, and he couldn't hold a neodymium solar candle to the synergy Chimera possessed with machines. Genesis knew this, but he also knew that even Chimera, talented as he was, needed a leg up from time to time. That's when Genesis had developed the idea. While he wasn't a powerhouse with computers - he did [i]understand[/i] them. He understood how an override worked; it was just, left to him, slow work while he trial-and-error'ed his was through. Really, if one understood how something worked, there was always a way to manipulate it. Always. In this case, it was just a simple matter of deploying a device that would attach itself to system, bury through files into the registry, and send a signal back to Chimera, allowing him remote access to whatever he wanted from wherever he wanted. If he could create a device that could take temporary control and allow Chimera access -- well, there was great promise in it. He didn't recall having told anyone about it, but he was hardly surprised. Jason seemed to be omniscient when it came to the goings on of his crew. Turning his attention to their commander as he spoke, Genesis felt a small flare of anger rise in his chest, though his expression did not belie his feelings. He had a sneaking suspicion that they would have to take another SSA mission soon. He knew it was for betterment, for progress - for a greater good...nevertheless, his heart sank each time he heard it announced in a debriefing. How he hated them. Corrupt, covetous, cowardly - useless bastards, the SSA. He would take this anger out on the marks. He grinned eerily at each hologram in turn. Long ears flicked as Jason concluded and others voiced ideas and inquiries. Genesis, however, remained silent. He was excited to put his device to use. His eerie smile turned to Jason. Sure, other crew members had comments on the mission, what they thought would work or be of more use. Whatever the outcome, Genesis trusted whatever decision Jason made. It had taken some time for him to reach this point, but Genesis had learned that Jason was a skilled officer and finally placed his trust in the man. Awaiting the team announcements, Genesis shifted in his seat, drawing up his other knee and crossing his ankles, his arms locked around his bent knees as he watched the others.