Collaboration between YoshiSkittlez as Regina Mills and I as Dr. Faye Stevenson *~*~* After the incident at the hospital, Dr. Faye Stevenson decided to head home. She didn't want to stick around and see if disappointment turned out to be another trigger for her other persona. She walked all the way from the hospital to the street, and she stopped and watched a bit as Regina got out of the car...with a little boy that she hadn't seen before. Regina slammed her car door shut and watched as Mason bounded up the stairs to the patio, completely awe-struck at the sheer size of the place. "This is your [i]home[/i]?" Mason asked, his eyes wide as they were bright. Regina chuckled, not noticing Dr. Stevenson just a short ways behind her. "[i]Our[/i] home." Regina corrected him. "You'll be staying with me for a while...if that's alright." Mason bounced off of the patio, down the stairs and back to Regina who hadn't even made it halfway up the driveway yet and Regina felt an odd, warm feeling in the place where her heart was when the child wrapped his arms around her torso in a tight hug. Regina found herself hugging him back (if a bit awkwardly from the height difference) and then patted him on the back as they parted, that warm feeling in her chest growing as she realized that he was smiling up at her with a wide, ice-cream-faced grin. The doctor watched the scene in front of her. She knew that she had to talk to the mayor, but she felt a little guilty for interrupting the sweet moment. She sighed through her nose, steeling her nerves, and she made herself known, greeting the mayor civilly and politely, "Ah! Good Evening Madam Mayor," Regina turned her head to see Dr. Stevenson there, and the kindness she held in her eyes for Mason was all but gone. "Evening..." She said, albiet skeptically. It wasn't often she got house calls, what did the doctor want? Faye stayed on the sidewalk, and by technicalities, off of Regina's property. She then asked politely "I'm sorry to interrupt, but could I speak with you, Madam Mayor?" Regina look a good look at Dr. Stevenson and then looked at the position of her feet, only for a moment before returning her cold gaze to the doctor's eyes once more, as if daring her to take another step forward. Before she answered Faye though, she turned back to Mason and bent her knees slightly to get on a more level height with him. "Go on inside Mason, and get yourself a bath. I'll order us some pizza for dinner okay?" She instructed and the boy took off, blissfully unaware that something bad was about to traspire. Once Mason was safe inside her home, Regina turned back to Dr. Stevenson, crossing her arms over her chest. "He was already checked out at the site doctor, he's fine." Regina snapped coldly, like a mother bear ready to rip anyone to shreds if anyone came between her and her cubs. Faye answered Regina keeping her tone polite, civil, and socialable, never noticing that her wound that she received from Mr. Gold was visible for Regina to see, "So I've heard. I'm glad to see he's doing well," She then continued "But I'm not here to talk about Mason. I'm here about a different matter," "Any concerns you might have regarding the earthquake will be addressed at the town meeting on Tuesday." Regina interjected, her voice now sounding bored with a sentence that she had probably been using all day. Faye shook her head and answered, "I'm not here about the Earthquake either," She then got to the point, staying civil and polite, "I received word that you took my psychological profile from Dr. Hopper, [i]without[/i] a warrant. Why?" Regina chuckled inwardly, making her arms rise from her chest a few times. She let them rest to her side once more, however, when Regina started taking a few steps towards Faye. "That's an awfully bold acusation, Dr. Stevenson." Regina said with the makings of a smirk on her lips. "What makes you think that I would do something like that?" Faye shook her head at Regina, and asked (despite that her question implied that Regina was playing dumb) "Don't tell me you forgot?" She then answered, "You're the only one who [i]can[/i] do something like that. Plus, you threatened me for patients' medical records before, on a total of four times over the past five years. Specifically on August 21 five years ago, December 16 four years, October 6 three years ago, and January 8 two years ago. Who's to say you didn't use the same method this time?" Regina's face didn't faulter, clearly impressed by the memory of Dr. Stevenson but not at all put-off by the information. "You've quite the memory doctor." Regina complimented. "It would serve you well to remember that on those four occasions, those medical records were in relation to Miss Jane Doe. A mayor can only see that things have been done right in terms of a coma patient." Her lips spread into a white smile, beautiful yet taunting. Dr. Stevenson pointed out her tone becoming serious but remaining diplomatic, "My point, Madam Mayor, is that the fact that you [i]threatened[/i] me for the medical records, means that you most likely did the same to Dr. Hopper for my medical records. I want to know [i]why[/i] you want them and I would greatly appreciate it, if you returned them to Dr. Hopper," "I've no need of your records, [i]doctor[/i]," Regina said with a bitter tone to the word. "you may flatter yourself as much as you like, but're not that interesting." Regina flashed one more smile before she turned to leave, making it back to the halfway point of her driveway before turning back around for a moment. "Feel free to get a warrant and have Sheriff Leland come and search my house if you'd like, I've nothing to hide." Her smile changed, from taunting to just plain wicked. They both knew thats what it would take for Faye to get her records back without Regina's consent, and they both knew that Robert was wrapped around Regina's finger like a string puppet. Regina certainly wasn't making it easy on Dr. Stevenson, but then again, Regina never made it easy on anyone. "Have a good evening." Regina ended sounding polite and still with a smile, and turned back to finish walking to her patio. Dr. Stevenson knitted her eyebrows together at the wicked smile on Regina's face. But she didn't show her anger to Regina. She smiled at Regina cheerfully, and yet in a way that could unnerve a person (because there was something sinister in that smile that even Dr. Stevenson was unaware of), "Oh I will. Have a good evening, Madam Mayor," She then turned and started walking down the sidewalk, recalling a law in the town charter that may help her with this situation. For now, she was just going to head home.