[img=http://i.imgur.com/wUhVlwS.png] [i][center]There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile. He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile. He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse, And they all lived together in a little crooked house. And then he had a crooked thought. Why is my crookedness my lot, Why must I be crooked instead of not? And the crooked man would cry And he couldn't fathom why... He was sad all the time And so he cried And he climbed up his crooked stairs Of his crooked little home He tied up a crooked noose And ended his crooked life[/center][/i] [center][i]You're a student who is taking film class. You meet a bunch of friends and decided to do a project. You guys get all your equipment and set out to one of the scariest hotel that was famous around your small town. That's where your story starts. Apparently there was a bad incident that happened in that house. There was an old man who always looked a bit crooked. He liked collecting strange things. He had a pet mouse and cat. They were always stuffed in his drawer. One day he couldn't take it any more and grabbed a rope, wrapping it around him, eventually killing himself. No one knows why he did it, but some say they see him peeking out the window at some point. The neighbors have said that he looked a little different. You guys find this exciting and stay there overnight, recording your movie inside the hotel.[/i][/center] [Hider=Rules] ✘You can only have up to 3 characters ✘No god modding ✘Cursing is allowed but not too much. Wouldn't want to upset dem kids right? ✘If you're replying to another person please wait for them to reply. Don't just write for them(Unless of course, you have permission). ✘Please keep the romance PG-13 don't want things to get hot and steamy. ✘If the fighting gets too big take it to the PMs. ✘Don't be scared to ask me things, I will try my best to respond ^^ ✘I am allowed to change the rules or add more to it while the story progresses ✘ I will be the one controlling the Crooked man. Please don't ask if you can be him, thank you. ✘ If you have read the rules please add [b]"I'm Fabulous"[/b][/hider] [Hider=CS] [b]Appearance:[/b] (Could be Anime or real pics I don't mind~) [b]Full Name:[/b] [b]Nickname:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (14-18) (It's an after school club where people from 14 through 18 can join) [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Position:[/b] (Like I said before, you guys are filming a movie while recording one of you could be the cameraman; Actor; etc.) [b]Personality:[/b] (Explain what kind of traits your Character has) [b]Biography:[/b] (Optional) [b]Likes:[/b] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [b]Crush:[/b][/hider] [center][i][img=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TF-Y-gc3LVk/T9NzLK7ObNI/AAAAAAAAADw/HrwQx0SPn1k/s1600/pesan.jpg] [b]Full Name:[/b] Kondou Kazuko [b]Nickname:[/b] Kay; Kondou [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Position:[/b] Camerawoman [b]Personality:[/b] Mature; Quiet; Free-spirited; Calm; Sarcastic; [b]Biography:[/b] Kondou has a normal and peaceful life. She always wanted to hold a camera and record from afar. It was her dream. That's when she decided to join an after school club that allowed you to film. Do everything she ever wanted when she was little. She used her trusty camera and would always record. That was when she was assigned to work with a group people. It was a project. Themed horror. Instead picking somewhere better and safe, everyone decided to pick that one creepy house. As long as she was the camerawomen she wouldn't care. That was her biggest regret. [b]Likes:[/b] ♥Dogs ♥Cameras ♥Food ♥Creepy stories ♥Cameras ♥After club work (Like recording for example) ♥Did I forget to mention cameras? [b]Dislikes:[/b] ○Broken cameras (It breaks her heart) ○Snobby people ○Wasting food ○Cats ○Chocolate ○Fish(Tuna; eating fish; etc.) ○Annoying people [b]Crush:[/b] None at the moment ;-; [b]"I'm Fabulous"[/b][/i][/center]