[b]Tyler - Haywood[/b] None of this mattered anymore. It was all about Katie. Everything had been for Katie's sake! Tyler imagined squeezing Sylar's neck until his head popped for getting in the way. He imagined sticking a knife until Bex's back until the man was unrecognisable. He imagined killing these people in so many different ways that he could just explode...! But he kept his cool. He stared back at Sylar, his expression a mask of concern. He was about to plead his case, to wring his heart out to these people about just wanting to be with his daughter, but Enrique saved him the performance. The man went [i]Rambo[/i] as the scouts fully cemented their divide and began attacking each other. Tyler jumped forward and shoved whoever was in his way aside so he could make a break for it. None of these people [i]mattered[/i] anymore! Not Rudy, not Enrique, not anyone but Katie! He didn't care who fired on him, for he would shrug off every bullet that came his way until Katie was finally in his arms. Katie. Katie. Katie. --- [b]Bex - Outside Haywood - Katie/Emma[/b] In the hall outside, Bex stopped and placed Katie on the ground. He patted the little girl on the head and tried to mask the fact that his breathing was shallow and strained. "Stay here. Please, [i]please[/i] stay right here and don't move." He gave the girl a small smile before leaving her. He readied his rifle and aimed it cautiously forward as he walked down the hall. Emma was just around the corner and it was likely Cain had stuck around to watch her. Perhaps Cain could see reason like Sylar, but Bex had no time to explain anything. He would have to shoot first, no matter what. He entered the room and found Cain standing over Emma, his pistol pointed at the door. The man looked nervous, probably having heard the gun fire. He went to open his mouth, probably to ask what Bex was doing, but Bex cut him short with a bullet. The man fell backward as if pushed and crumpled against the wall. His blood ran down the crappy yellow wallpaper. Letting out a breath that he hadn't realised he had been holding in, Bex dropped his rifle to the ground. He ran over to Emma and proceeded to remove the gag from her mouth. "I'm not making this mistake again," he said. "This time I'm getting you out. This time..." He coughed, blood running down his chin. Then he coughed again and he brought a hand to his stomach. When he moved it to his face to examine it, it was bloody. In his fervor, he hadn't realised that Cain had managed to get a shot off. He began shaking his head, tears forming around his eyes. "No, it's okay. I'll get you out. I'll get you out."