[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/AzyKotP.gif?1[/img][/center] Wars produce many stories of fiction, some of which are told until they are believed to be true. I am at the center of one such tale. This yarn, known as the story of Butcher Grant, paints myself as a drunken lout that sent wave after wave of men to their deaths. The war was a very bloody affair, but we stuck to the principal of initiative. The Union Army never gave up ground and always pressed forward on the battlefield. That is my stance in wartime and that is also my stance peacetime. Press on, despite the cost. We emerge from civil war stronger than ever, sworn to the principal of initiative. We press forward in all things, be they business or territory or education. To outgoing President Colfax I give my thanks for his support in the election, and I solemnly vow that I will do all I can to see his goal of an American Colossus come to pass. -- [i]Excerpt from President Ulysses S. Grant's Inaugural Address[/i]