Jason listened to the questions of his crew. "First off Acrobat I will gladly allow you to do a sweeping run or two as long as we can confirm that our targets are near windows. a few passes with your mini-guns will make quick work of our targets." he started off before moving on. "Ogre, as for our entry into the building. The infiltration team will go in dressed as Casino patrons and will infiltrate the Security room located on the third floor. They will only be allowed to carry weapons that will be easily concealed and hidden from sight. The rest of their gear will be hidden in my car which will be parked in the Casino's Garage. Warning if you scratch it I will kill you... As for the Assault unit, they will be dropped onto the building's roof. When the enemy's location is found the assault team will repel down to the correct floor and then proceed with a breaching procedure and move to eliminate the targets." he continued with his answers before coming to the popular question. "As for the teams I left the delegation of those to Chimera, so that he could place us where we would best fit into his plans." He finished sitting down and letting Chimera take center stage.