Thule watched the cooking pot in front of him like hawk, trying to ignore the delicious scent that was coming off of it so he could focus on cooking. So far, his holiday was going quite well. He had currently set up camp in one of the more challenging parts of New South Wales, giving him plenty of mountains and forests to work his way through. The weather was rather nice and he had even run into an old friend while on the trip; One of his students had decided to take his advice on giving this area a try and had decided to bring his new fiance along so that the two of them could get away from the world for a while. Thule sighed for a little as he glanced away from his cooking pot to gaze up at the night sky for a moment. While he prized himself on his teaching abilities and the relationships he had with his students, it was a foolish move to jump into such a dangerous environment without gaining proper first hand experience first; Even more so to drag someone who doesn't have a clue what they are doing along for the journey as well. Shaking his head a little in order to shake the thought away, he refocused on the food before him. It was a rather hearty stew that was currently cooking on his fire; A few spices that he had brought along with him combined with a few wild plants that he knew were safe to eat in order to enhance the flavor of the meat, turning it into a meal that would have been welcome just about anywhere. In fact he recalled that the last time he brought a stew very much like the one he was making to a church event that it had been gobbled up very quickly and with much praise. Taking the cooking pot off the fire, Thule grinned as he helped himself to a bowl. The first bite was absolutely heavenly, almost causing him to moan aloud as he his rolled into the bite of his head. The second and third mouthfuls might not have been quite as effective but the sheer bliss was still there. It wasn't until the forth bite that something felt off. Something was much harder than it had a right to be caused his chewing to come to a complete stop. Taking a puzzled moment to open his mouth and reach in to grab the offending object, Thule took a moment to examine something that glittered gold in the light of the fire before casting it into the surrounding wilderness, most likely never to be seen by humans again. ................................................................................ When Thule awoke, he didn't move right away. When he had gone to sleep, he had been resting inside of a tent. Now he was under the open sky and clearly not in the same place that he had been before. Clearly he had been moved at some point while he slept. Once he had adjusted to this, he forced himself to sit up in order to inspect the world around him for immediate threats. Forest on the one side, rolling planes on the other and a lot of people laying around him that were also in the process of waking up. While this was clearly weird it wasn't a threat at this moment so he changed his track of mind to what he currently had on him. Looking at himself, he quickly noticed that he appeared to be wearing his coat, something that he had not gone to bed with. Searching through the pockets, he quickly located some of the basic survival gear that he kept in them much like a tradesman would keep certain tools on his person at all times. A little basic, but useable. Once he had a good idea of what he currently had at his disposal, he looked around at the various people once again. He noticed that there were people already going around helping others get up on their feet and try to take control of the strange situation and Thule quickly followed their example. Getting himself to his feet, he walked over towards a man who appeared to have a full looking duffel bag with him, offering him a somewhat warm smile along side with a hand to help him up. "Name's Thule. By any chance you know how we got here? Because I don't."