Alessia had listened carefully to what the woman said and frankly she wanted to be human, she was fully aware that the serum might just kill her but she was willing to take the chance. she hadn't stood this entire time so when she finally did she staggered a little before regaining her balance. she crossed to the young girl, she knew immediatly that the child was blind. she took the girl's hand "i want to be human too" she looked at the floor "i'll lead you, if you let me" Aqua and Arthur had heard the woman's announcement via the com system but neither cared, truthfully Aqua would like to be human again, but it had been so long since she had been. she could tell from Arthur's face he wasn't even considering it. "it might work..." she started. Arthur interrupted her with "not for me" he had even stopped galloping. "why not" she asked, holding on tight, he slowed some and said "because, the only way to fix my mutation would be to seperate my lower body from my upper body, and while i could survive that, i'd rather not try" he slowed to a halt and looked back at her "but if you want it..." "no" she immediatly said "those bastards killed my sister, no way i'm taking anything they give me", he started running again,"nice, now we're on the same page"