Alright, something didn't work out... Blah, here. [hider=Kindle Abby] Personal Information Name: Kindle Abby Alias/ Nickname: N/A Age: 16 Gender: Male Cabin: 18 - Hebe's cabin Appearance: Kindle is of a slightly less than average height, standing at aroud 5'8 feet. Has a thin build, though larger in the hips area. Sloping shoulders, and a head proportionally larger than his body. Chin-length naturally vivid red hair that's thin and completely straight at most times. Light blue-gray eyes that resemble the color of smoke. Small mouth usually slightly open in a look of uncertainty. Family Godly Parent: Hebe - Goddess of youth and forgiveness Human Parent: Troy Abby - Criminal deadbeat, Kindle hasn't been in contact with him since he was thirteen years old. Legacy: N/A General Information Personality: Kindle isn't much of anything, and he doesn't know who he is. He's uncertain and hesitant, having trouble when it comes to making tough choices or facing his fears. Kindle is kind and selfless, and will go out of the way to help others if the situation arises. He pushes himself to be more outgoing and open, though doing such things doesn't feel right to him. Easily melded by others and is easily swayed by the thoughts of people around him. Forgiving and not a person to hold a grudge. Kindle is hard on himself and has trouble thinking of himself as anything else other than a screw-up, quickly believing insults of others as if he wants to feel bad about himself. Though not a social outcast, Kindle doesn't go out of his way to start social interaction either. When around other people he quickly becomes stifled, though when by himself it's hard for him to dispel a deep sense of loneliness. Kindle is very observant and quite conscious of himself, noticing every little thing out of place about himself. Self-conscious. Organized and neat for the most part. Likes: Seeing other people happy, stories with happy endings, day-dreaming and thinking, exploring, organization Dislikes: Cruelty, mean people, himself, large groups of people, confrontation, messes, abuse, loud noises, confined spaces, drugs/alcohol Talents: Other than his observation skills, not much Biography: Kindle's father was abusive to boot, and the circumstances that he grew up in were less than optimal. A tiny, one room apartment, usually filled with drugs, criminals, and other items of ill respute brought in by his father. Kindle was often neglected or abused by his father, both verbally and physically, whenever Kindle did something wrong or his father was just in a bad mood, it was all the same. Kindle hated this way of living and despised his father, but was too scared to do make any action for help. It was only when a school counselor noticed bruises on the boy's face on multiple different occasions was an investigation was called for, and Kindle was seperated from his father. What followed was a variety of different foster homes and the such, none of them permanent. The strange thing about Kindle is that he didn't exhibit most of the qualities that other demi-gods did at this age, he wasn't particularly the hero type, and he lacked ADHD or dyslexity. He also didn't encounter much in the way of monsters. This life of uncertainty continued for the next three years, until Kindle was sixteen years old. At this age, Kindle had his first encounter with the world of the Greek gods. Though not drawn to him due to his godly heritage, a group of empousa cornered him, trying to seduce Kindle and prey on him. The seduction didn't work much on Kindle, and deciding to throw off the act the empousa discarded their disguise and readied to forcefully take their prey. That would of been the end of Kindle right then if it weren't for a satyr, guided by the voice of Hebe to assist her son. The satyr and Kindle escaped, and Kindle was shown the true world, the world where Greek gods existed. Kindle has been living as a permanent camper at camp half-blood for a little over a month now, adapting to his new world. Theme Song: [youtube]JuR9Pjfps2E[/youtube] Weapon Information Weapon Name: N/A Weapon Type: N/A Weapon Appearance: N/A Attributes: N/A [/hider]