Well the best hand that I can deal to this question is with the heroic archetype. My planned hero archetype character was in a naruto roleplay and that he was supposed to have really unique abilities. The problem being that before hand since before his birth he was pretty much a lab experiment by the city's special ops to remake one of their formerly strongest rulers. He would go on through his life being a happy and particularly well liked individual until he started getting into the adult stages of his life. First he'd retain his overall heroic type behavior expected from an anime character like himself and grow stronger like that. But he'd start learning things and he'd slowly creep over to the edge of the darkness per say. First by having a teacher who's abilities are pretty much evil but he'd use them initially for the side of good. Then he'd start to slowly get more and more darker while trying to keep himself the way he was. However that is thrown out the window eventually as despite all his efforts he figures out that he was indeed just some science project developed by the special ops and that his whole life while thinking he was supposed to be someone special he really wasn't just some person's attempt at remaking someone who was special. This forces him into a moral event horizon which in turn makes him darker and as he slowly starts to accept it he betrays his village makes his own and then proceeds to try and murder everyone even those who weren't to blame. Now this seems like a very typical anti-hero but what makes this fellow different is that he willingly accepts that darkness not because it was forced upon him but because he simply lost faith in everything he held dear beforehand and on top of that said village in the aforementioned was starting to make things that really didn't sit well with the big guy. To put it in simple terms without getting to far into things he's a good guy initially who can use darker moves but then turns into a not so well intentioned extremist despot who was once a genuinely good person. However he could have said no to this at any time previously and it was his choice of how he got to where he ended up. Unlike say Zod or Luthor he isn't interested in genocide, being the best, or even really winning or making a point. He's more like the joker who actually has a ethic code and morals he's doing it because he believes that he simply can't let things continue to happen like this for better or worse. How is this tragic you may ask as well? Well for one no matter how much he wanted to be good he simply couldn't stop the inevitable fall from grace in the end. No matter how good he was he couldn't be something he wasn't meant to be: a person he was and always shall be a weapon.