Takeshi had been told repeatedly, by both Vegeta and Yumi alike to try getting along better with Viral. They clashed too much, both of them had said, and they shouldn't be since they were allies. Well he was trying his best but pleasantries were getting him nowhere fast, regardless of how sincere he tried to sound. Man this was annoying, here he was trying to be the good guy and the Beastman was just blocking him at every turn. Nevertheless he kept that smile on his face, however strained it may be now, and continued to push the subject. "You've never asked me for anything, but I'd do it if you did," he said, giving a nod of his head. "I wouldn't turn you away, you know. Just because I haven't done anything for you doesn't mean I won't. A-And that's not true, I don't only come to you when I want something!" Was it? He'd never paid much mind to that, it could be right. Eh, whatever, he wasn't going to dwell on it too much. The casual conversation part Takeshi knew was true, but no way that was his fault. He'd tried talking to Viral plenty of times, the guy never was interested in it. Why should he bother going the extra mile when all he got was the cold shoulder? The glare was a definitive sign that his request was denied, Viral wouldn't budge from his stance. At last the smile waned from Takeshi's lips as he instead adopted an all too familiar look of annoyance, folding his arms over his chest. "I never took lessons because you're busy training, and I don't want to make you stop that to train me!" If the Beastman spent all his time with sword training then he'd never get stronger, meaning they wouldn't be able to fight again. The Saiyan wouldn't say that outright but his expression was evident enough that he disliked the idea. Being called out in the way he was made Takeshi's face redden in a mixture of anger and embarrassment, puffing himself up slightly before putting a fist in Viral's face. "Listen now, I'm not saying a sword is inferior or anything, don't put words in my mouth! I want to learn how to use it, I asked you for lessons, so where do you get this idea I don't care?" He cared plenty, they were just too busy to do lessons yet. The only other person he might turn to for swordsmanship would be T'charrl, and he wasn't sure how capable their friend would be in his bulky state. "Look... If you're actually willing to train me, then train me! I'm ready to learn whenever Viral, just tell me when and where and I'll be there!" He just wanted to use his sword, was that such a bad thing? Takeshi figured he never should have agreed to the stipulation of leaving his sword with Viral, somehow he knew it'd be a pain in the butt later. Sighing softly he stepped back from the door a bit, pacing for a brief moment before glancing over at Viral impatiently. "Come on, just let me have it, we won't even be gone that long. I already said I won't just swing it around whenever I feel like it. And how else am I going to learn if you never let me actually use the sword?"