[hider=Annie Goodell][center][b]Name:[/b] Annie Goodell [b]Age:[/b] 18 (1991-2009) [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.cgwallpapers.com/previews_480x300/wallpaper_sara_biddle_01.jpg[/img] [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Emeici [b]Personality:[/b][/center] Annie is a wild girl who does what she wants when she wants. She cares little for her own welfare and is reckless, often ending up hurting herself in some way or other. She is sarcastic and snarky, blunt and straightforward, and isn’t afraid to hurt someone’s feelings to deliver the cold, hard truth. [center][b]Place of Origin:[/b] Niceville, Florida [b]History:[/b][/center] Annie lived a good life, her parents were not divorced and both were alive, she lived financially well, and she had plenty of friends that adored her and she them. Annie studied well in school and never got in trouble; her motto was to do her best and that she did. Well, until she was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of sixteen. Annie went crazy. She became depressed, self-destructive. She knew she was going to die and nothing was going to stop it; a girl her age shouldn’t have to accept that. Her parents, too distressed with the news, let her do whatever. Annie swam with sharks once, even prodding one in the side simply because she had the means to and maybe even hoping it would end her misery. She ran with the bulls in Spain, even though she was a slow runner and could easily be impaled in her weaken state – she still survived with only a scratch. At the zoo, she would climb beneath the railing at the lion exhibit and stick her hand tauntingly in between the bars until a zookeeper would kick her out. No one stopped her, no one did anything and she didn’t care. At least, she didn’t care [i]anymore[/i]. At the age of eighteen, she was found in her room covered in blood, her wig had fallen off and she was in her pajamas. She was barely alive. Her parents rushed her to the hospital immediately. There, she was put under intensive treatment until at 12:41 she was announced dead. To say, when Annie discovered that there was an afterlife, she was outraged. Her pain was to be continued after every attempt at ending it in the past three years of torture. [center][b]Quote:[/b] “The endings of a book are the best. Because, afterwards, you just forget all about it.”[/center][/hider]