Vincent followed her, watching as she took in the scene. The girl was curious, and just as suspicious as he was. If he was being set up, it was just as likely that she was. His men had taken liberty with some of the finer things in the castle, but that hadn’t bothered him: call it hazard pay. They could take what they could carry. He took two of them aside and pointed towards the princess’ room, telling them of a few choice pieces he wanted taken into the ship’s cargo bay. They scampered off without question. He turned to face her and their eyes locked. It was a fair question; she deserved to know. He heard the fear in her voice, but decided not to push it. Still no alarm, still no guards. He pressed a button on his wrist computer and it started to flash a dull red. They had a few mintues before the ship would be here. “Let’s start with introductions. I’m Vincent. I’m a pirate of some renown, and you’re now our captive. I’m taking you to my ship, and from there to part’s unknown Maybe you’ve heard of me, maybe you haven’t, I frankly don’t care. I already know who you are, obviously. Pleasure to meet you, m’lady.” He feigned reverence, bowing to her in an exaggerated fashion. He pushed her shoulder gently, urging her to continue forward. Herding her towards the hole they had blown in the wall. “All I’m asking is that you behave yourself. I wasn’t bluffing earlier. I’d like to avoid hurting you, but I’ll do what I have to.” He moved with his men towards their makeshift entrance, the sunlight poking through. The light refracted slightly, a sudden burst, and then the noise outside made it clear: his ship had just arrived. They turned the cloaking field off, and it came into clear view. A massive Corsair class gunship, heavily modified. The cargo hatch opened and a crew of men worked their way towards the castle, collecting the small piles of loot. Vincent addressed them all. “Take what you can, but we’re heading skyside in two minutes.” As he finished, the high-pitched screech of the castle alarm pierced the air… the ship had set off the proximity sensor.